clj-python / libpython-clj

Python bindings for Clojure
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pytorch lightning Fail #263

Open niitsuma opened 5 months ago

niitsuma commented 5 months ago

Following code stop with

AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'code'. Did you mean: 'call'?

(ns pytorchlightning.core

   [libpython-clj2.python :as py
    [ py. py.- 

   [libpython-clj2.require :refer [require-python]]


 '[builtins :as python]
 '[torch.nn :as nn :refer [Linear]]
 '[torch.nn.functional :refer [mse_loss]]
 '[ :refer [DataLoader Dataset]]

(defonce model (atom nil))

(def LitModel
   "LitModel" [pytorch_lightning/LightningModule]
     (fn [self]
       (py. pytorch_lightning/LightningModule  __init__ self)
       (py/set-attr!  self "layer" (Linear 1 1))

     (fn [self x] (py. self layer x))
     :arg-converter as-jvm
     :method-name "forward"

     (fn [self batch batch_idx]
       (mse_loss (py/get-item batch 1) (py. self forward (py/get-item batch 0)))
     (fn [self batch batch_idx]
       (mse_loss (py/get-item batch 1) (py. self forward (py/get-item batch 0)))
     (fn [self batch batch_idx]
       (mse_loss (py/get-item batch 1) (py. self forward (py/get-item batch 0)))

     (fn [self]
        (py. self parameters)
        :lr 0.02)

(def SimpleDataset
   "SimpleDataset" [Dataset]
     (fn [self data] (py/set-attr! self "data" data)  nil))
     (fn [self] (python/len (py.- self data))))
     (fn [self idx]
         (torch/tensor [(py/get-item  (py/get-item (py.- self data) idx) 0)] :dtype torch/float32)
         (torch/tensor [(py/get-item  (py/get-item (py.- self data) idx) 1)] :dtype torch/float32)

(def SimpleDataModule
   "SimpleDataModule" [pytorch_lightning/LightningDataModule]
     (fn [self data] (py/set-attr! self "data" data)  nil))

     (fn [self]
       (DataLoader (SimpleDataset (py.- self data )) :batch_size 2 :shuffle false)))
     (fn [self]
       (DataLoader (SimpleDataset (py.- self data )) :batch_size 2 :shuffle false)))
     (fn [self]
       (DataLoader (SimpleDataset (py.- self data )) :batch_size 2 :shuffle false)))

(defn -main [& args]

  (reset! model (LitModel))

  (def data [[1.0 3.0] [2.0 5.0] [3.0 7.0] [4.0 9.0] [5.0 11.0]] )
  (def data_pylist (py/->py-list data))

  ;; (println  (py/get-item  (py/get-item data_pylist 0) 0))

  (def train_dataset  (SimpleDataset data_pylist))
  (def train_loader (DataLoader train_dataset :batch_size 2 :shuffle false))

  ;; ;;for debug
  ;; (def train_pylist (python/list train_loader))
  ;; (def train_pylist_0 (py/get-item train_pylist 0))
  ;; (println (py. @model training_step train_pylist_0 0) );;;OK.  maybe this part work

  (def trainer (pytorch_lightning/Trainer :max_epochs 10 ))

  (def datamodu (SimpleDataModule data_pylist))

  (py. trainer fit @model train_loader)
  ;;(py. trainer fit @model datamodu)  ;;also fail

cnuernber commented 2 months ago

It appears to me that this happens when you pass in a function that doesn't have its source code thus the autodiff system can't autodiff. Keep in mind that functions defined via clojure are translated to python as opaque C function pointers so they won't be autodifferentiable.