clockworkbits / CarND-Capstone

Capstone project - Hupla Hupla team
MIT License
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Waypoint updater simple #10

Closed lorenzolucido closed 6 years ago

lorenzolucido commented 6 years ago

[#1] This first version of waypoint_updater simply takes in the static waypoints we want to follow, subscribe to the current position of the car and output the next 200 waypoints relatively to the current car position.

agotterba commented 6 years ago

I tried driving around the simulation track with this, and ran into some issues. The first thing that happened was that sometimes, the string of waypoints would jump to be ahead of the car:


On my first run, eventually, the waypoints stopped updating; I could drive circles around the string of waypoints without it changing:


On the second and third runs, the waypoints disappeared. I piped the /current_pose and /final_waypoints topics to the same log file; they aren't labelled, but towards the end of the log (when I lost the waypoints), the current_pose posts have ' seq: 8' thousand something, while the final_waypoints posts are at 'seq: 7' hundred something (current_pose also has frame_id: "/world" while final_waypoints has frame_id: '', but final_waypoints lists frame_id for every waypoint, so if you want to search for that, specify 2 spaces after the beginning of the line). seq: 754 of final_waypoints looks fine, but 755 is empty:

header: seq: 755 stamp: secs: 0 nsecs: 0 frame_id: '' waypoints: []

I've uploaded the full log (zipped; it expands to 72M):

These problems don't happen at exactly the same place; I wonder if it has something to do with crossing a 180 degree heading. I did find that when making a wide turn at the start of the simulation (but less than 90 degrees), the waypoints disappeared.