clockworkpi / DevTerm

This code repository offers downloads for the latest images of various DevTerm models, as well as kernel patches, keyboard firmware, the source code for screen and printer drivers, hardware schematics, assembly instructions, and essential technical documents.
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A06 Kernel gets replaced after build #10

Closed reostat closed 3 years ago

reostat commented 3 years ago

I'm following along the instructions described in Create DevTerm A06 OS image from scratch wiki page and there's something I don't quite understand. It seems that first we carefully apply kernel and u-boot patches and then build the image that's going to contain these patched kernel and u-boot; okay, makes sense so far. However, further down the lines in chroot we execute this

sudo apt remove linux-image*
sudo apt install devterm-kernel-current-cpi-a06 devterm-fan-daemon-cpi-a06 devterm-thermal-printer devterm-thermal-printer-cups devterm-wiringpi-cpi  devterm-first-start-a06

which to me looks like we completely remove our carefully patched and compiled kernel - perhaps of the exact version we wanted - and replace it with a precompiled binary from DevTerm repository.

Why do we do that?

cuu commented 3 years ago

good point when I try to build the a06 os image ,there is a step , I combined the built linux-dto and linux-image to became devterm-kernel-current-cpi-a06 the reason is if not doing this , apt-get upgrade will cover the linux-dto,linux-image*, which will cause boot failed so to keep linux kernel in safe , I made devterm-kernel-current-cpi-a06

but for the wiki, I am not sure how to explain this, you got the point right,it seems a little weird

reostat commented 3 years ago

I see. There's a way to prevent updates of selected packages (including the kernel) in apt-based systems using apt-mark hold <pkgname>, perhaps it'd be a better way.

In the meantime, could you please publish the procedure you use to make devterm-kernel-current-cpi-a06 so if somebody wants to add their own patches they can build the kernel themselves?

cuu commented 3 years ago

first use armbian build system to build image after image done unzip linux-dtb-current-rockchip64, linux-image-current-rockchip64 and then combine all files ,all the postinst, preinst,prerm,postrm to be one deb file

sakunamary commented 2 years ago

first use armbian build system to build image after image done unzip linux-dtb-current-rockchip64, linux-image-current-rockchip64 and then combine all files ,all the postinst, preinst,prerm,postrm to be one deb file

Sorry , I don't know what kinds of commands I should do to combine postinst ,preinst,.... It 's mean put all file under one folder and then package all files into deb ; OR copy and paste then content into ONE postinst ,preinst ... Thanks! 不好意思,我太理解combine 这个动作,在两个deb文件中的postinst preinst 文件解压缩完了之后,是放在一个新的文件夹里面(这样不会覆盖文件的问题么?),还是说将两个postinst 中的内容合并在一个新的postinst 中? 谢谢!