clockworkpi / DevTerm

This code repository offers downloads for the latest images of various DevTerm models, as well as kernel patches, keyboard firmware, the source code for screen and printer drivers, hardware schematics, assembly instructions, and essential technical documents.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Hard-coded scroll wheel #49

Open pete opened 1 year ago

pete commented 1 year ago

I was having issues disabling the middle-click scrolling; tweaking it with xinput wasn't helping. The culprit appears to be this change: . I am using some software (p9p acme, drawterm, Inferno) that actually doesn't function properly if holding middle-click forces scrolling, so I wanted to map a button to toggle it in my window manager.

Since it's possible to do in software (something like xinput --set-prop 'ClockworkPI DevTerm Mouse' 'libinput Button Scrolling Button' 2), it's probably better to leave this out of the firmware. If it's in the firmware, it can't be disabled in software.

pete commented 1 year ago

I did manage to verify that it works if I reflash to the 0.1 firmware. (Though ttyACM0 was hard-coded, so I had to fiddle with it a while to make it point at ttyACM1; a different board was eating the ttyACM0 slot.)