clockworkpi / uConsole

This code repository offers downloads for the latest images of various uConsole models, along with kernel patches, firmware for the keyboard and 4G expansion module, hardware schematics, assembly instructions, and essential technical documents.
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R-01 shutdown time very long, power button doesn't shut it off. #3

Open markatlnk opened 11 months ago

markatlnk commented 11 months ago

From the image provided, open an xterm. Let it run for a bit to make sure everything is ok. Issue the shutdown -h now command in the terminal and it takes 2 minutes 23 seconds to power off.

The power button doesn't seem to do shut it down at all unless you hold until the uncontrolled power off.

The DevTerm shuts down in just 1 or 2 seconds.

Power on is slow but it is just a R-01. Pushing the power button it takes 65 seconds to boot to the GUI.