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Erlang interop? #1

Open oubiwann opened 4 years ago

oubiwann commented 4 years ago

Maybe I missed it, but is there a section of the web site that discusses Erlang interop the way that the Clojure site discusses Java interop? I did see this:

but that's nothing like what Clojure has, with actual examples for all the permutations of usage:

Maybe it's somewhere else that I missed?

If not, this would be a docs feature request ;-)

oubiwann commented 4 years ago

Admittedly, it would be much shorter a page than the Java interop one ;-) Trying to think of all the useful bits to call out explicitly and show usage for (or note as prohibited, unsupported, or a future feature):

Can't think of anything else right now ...

oubiwann commented 4 years ago

Okay, I've created a branch here:

It's just got stubbed markdown right now; if you're interested in filling any of it in, lemme know and I'll add you as a collaborator on the branch (or, if you want to submit a PR against this particular branch, that's cool too).