clojure-android / lein-droid

A Leiningen plugin for building Clojure/Android projects
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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I have problem with the tutorial #109

Open tlightsky opened 9 years ago

tlightsky commented 9 years ago

I follow the tutorial, I change the org.clojure-android/tools.nrepl to org.clojure/tools.nrepl to run lein droid doall But I get an FC with:

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): Could not locate cider/nrepl/middleware/apropos__init.class or cider/nrepl/middleware/apropos.clj on classpath.

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RT.load(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RT.load(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$load$fn__5405.invoke(core.clj:5811)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$load.doInvoke(core.clj:5811)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$load_one.invoke(core.clj:5617)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$load_lib$fn__5354.invoke(core.clj:5656)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$load_lib.doInvoke(core.clj:5656)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:628)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$load_libs.doInvoke(core.clj:5695)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:628)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$require.doInvoke(core.clj:5716)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at$start_repl$fn377$fn378.invoke(repl.clj:63)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$map$fn__4513.invoke(core.clj:2616)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RT.seq(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$seqseq4092.invoke(core.clj:135)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:626)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at$start_repl$fn__377.invoke(repl.clj:62)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$with_redefs_fn.invoke(core.clj:7146)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at$start_repl.doInvoke(repl.clj:58)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:632)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at neko.init$init.doInvoke(init.clj:41)

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at org.tlightsky.clojuroid.SplashActivity$

E/AndroidRuntime(12719): at

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Tutorial is currently little bit outdated for the latest versions of the libraries. I will try to figure what needs to be changed as soon as I can and notify you. Sorry about the inconveniences.

tlightsky commented 9 years ago

thank u for your fast reply wait for the right method :)

tlightsky commented 9 years ago

I clone this project : After a little edit( target version), it works well,don't know does this help

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

@tlightsky I've just updated the tutorial in my fork. Can you please try it and give me feedback?

tlightsky commented 9 years ago

Hi,I cloned this event project, It works very well.

But when I use 'lein droid new ...',and then try 'lein droid doall',it will say: Could not find artifact org.clojure-android:tools.nrepl:jar:0.2.6 in central ( Could not find artifact org.clojure-android:tools.nrepl:jar:0.2.6 in clojars (

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Damn, sorry about that. Should be fine now.

oakes commented 9 years ago

I get this problem too with beta3. Does the template need to be updated?

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

With beta3 of what exactly, Zach?

oakes commented 9 years ago

I meant lein-droid 0.3.0-beta3. I get the same runtime error with a fresh project from its template.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

The same being Could not find artifact org.clojure-android:tools.nrepl:jar:0.2.6? I have already pushed it to Clojars, so that's weird.

oakes commented 9 years ago

No, sorry, I meant the runtime error above that says Could not locate cider/nrepl/middleware/apropos__init.class or cider/nrepl/middleware/apropos.clj on classpath..

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Please look at the updated tutorial . I've sent a PR to Kris and still waiting for it to be merged.

oakes commented 9 years ago

I'll check it out. Is there something that depends on cider now? I don't use Emacs.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

No, absolutely not (at least it shouldn't. If you see any cider traces, call 1-800-EMACSBUSTERS immediately!)

oakes commented 9 years ago

Sorry to be a pain but I'm still confused...I expect lein droid doall to work out of the box. I'm not trying to connect to my app with a REPL or anything...I just want it to build and run.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

No problem Zach! What's not working now?

oakes commented 9 years ago

Same error as before. I don't understand why I'm getting an error related to cider, which I do not use. I looked through the tutorial but can't figure it out. All I'm doing is lein droid new android-test android_test.core && cd android-test && lein droid doall.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Zach, I'm terribly sorry. I thought that the error was related to the old way of incorporating cider and the :user profile (that was a frequent issue before) but now I see that I force requiring CIDER middleware without a proper check. The fix is under way.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Please try now with neko 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, it should work without cider or any other alcohol. Sorry again, I should have shut my trap and tested it myself earlier.

oakes commented 9 years ago

I seem to still get the same runtime error. I made sure to delete the 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT folder to force it to download.

oakes commented 9 years ago

Oh! I think I just needed to clean my project. The app launched successfully.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Whew! I was seriously considering to call some paranormal activity control squad. Please keep me informed if any more troubles occur.

oakes commented 9 years ago

Thanks for taking care of that. Do you think this will make its way into a lein-droid beta release sometime soon? I'm looking to release a new version of Nightcode soon. No rush, though.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Absolutely. Do you want it to be "release" release, or a reasonable beta will do?

oakes commented 9 years ago

A beta works fine; I just want to avoid basing any release on snapshots.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Sure thing, snapshot dependencies are no-go. I will push a new beta 1-2 days from now, gonna see if anything else might pop up.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Oh, and by the way. You still might want to look at cider-nrepl. It is not cider-specific, I know vim.fireplace also uses it. Since it's like an IDE backend (think clang) it may save you time reimplementing same stuff for Nightcode.

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

@tlightsky Can please tell if the updated tutorial I linked worked for you, or you gave up on that idea after all?:)

tlightsky commented 9 years ago

Hi,I'm familiar with android,but not with clojure. I'm working on problems on 4clojure,I'm going to use clojure on android after I'm familiar with clojure. The event sample project works fine for me before. I'll try the new tutorial later,and give you some feed back :)

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

All right, thank you! I haven't updated it since the last time you checked, I just forgot you already told me that it worked. and then had another bug with lein-droid. So nevermind, good luck learning Clojure!

tlightsky commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've tried 0.3.0-beta4,It works very well :)

alexander-yakushev commented 9 years ago

Thanks again! I will keep the issue open until Kris merges my pull request.