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overlap between 'Language: clojure.core' and 'Language: Collections and Sequences' #72

Open bobisageek opened 2 weeks ago

bobisageek commented 2 weeks ago

I was looking to do a little 'polishing' (typos and stuff), and I noticed that these two pages seem to have a fair bit of overlap, not only in the functions they cover (which kind of makes sense), but also in that a significant portion of those overlapping functions have nearly identical content.

As one example (of many), the conj entries are mostly identical, with an extra sentence at the beginning of one

I don't want to say that covering the info multiple times is totally a bad thing, but what comes to mind is that if you read both pages, you get a sense of deja vu, but the pages don't cover all the same content, so if you don't read both of them, you might miss info that's covered in the difference.

I don't have any specific 'ideal answer' in mind here, but I would sort of like to work on these pages, and I wanted to have the discussion about a tactic going in.

A few possible approaches that come to mind:

Is there a preferred approach/vision for these pages?

seancorfield commented 2 weeks ago

I think I would lean somewhat toward bullet no. 3 -- leave the functions in core with minimal description (and maybe a basic example) and link to the relevant collections page "for more detail and (further) examples".