clojure-emacs / cider-nrepl

A collection of nREPL middleware to enhance Clojure editors with common functionality like definition lookup, code completion, etc.
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cider.nrepl.middleware.test does not bind clojure.test/*report-counters* #686

Open vemv opened 3 years ago

vemv commented 3 years ago


I have the impression that test runners are expected to bind clojure.test/*report-counters* during test execution. It looks like it should be initialized to clojure.test/*initial-report-counters*.

cider.nrepl.middleware.test doesn't appear to have this logic.

Why this is a problem

cider-nrepl version

This repo @ master

bbatsov commented 3 years ago

Likely an oversight on our part. PR welcome!

bbatsov commented 3 years ago

@jeffvalk wrote the test middleware, so he might have more to say on the subject.

saskenuba commented 3 months ago

Any thoughts on this? This is exactly an issue that I have on some projects. I have some tests macros that juggle around report-counters and expects it to be valid, and when running tests with cider they don't work.

vemv commented 3 months ago

I appreciate that you found the right issue!

I could give it a try myself but can't strongly promise anything as time is quite scarce for me.

Might be a good "first PR".