clojure-emacs / cider-nrepl

A collection of nREPL middleware to enhance Clojure editors with common functionality like definition lookup, code completion, etc.
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`info`: support user-extensible documentation providers #861

Open vemv opened 3 months ago

vemv commented 3 months ago


From time to time, there are DSLs that escape Clojure's normal var system.

For example:

(with-foo ;; some DSL-based macro
  BAR BAZ ;; symbols that aren't backed by a var (or local variable)

While we can't reasonably provide documentation for unqualified symbols that escape the var system, users / lib authors should be able to have that, unobstrusively.

There's the additional use case of unqualified keywords, as used by many popular libraries e.g. honeysql, Malli.

Proposed solution

Users should be able to have a dev/cider-doc.edn resource with content such as:

{[BAR BAZ] ;; all the symbols for which to apply certain rules
 {:info-provider com.corp/foo-info-provider
  :if            com.corp/foo-context?}

 [quux quuz]
 {:info-provider com.corp/alt-info-provider
  :if            com.corp/alt-context?}

 [:map :sequential :vector :maybe ,,,]
 {:info-provider malli/info-provider
  :if            malli/context?}}

 [:select :insert :join ,,,]
 {:info-provider honeysql/info-provider
  :if            honeysql/context?}}


These .edn files (and their backing functions) could be distributed as normal Maven artifacts, so that people can add them to their :dev alias.

Additional context

Our info middleware already takes a context as input.

So it would seem easy and unobstrusive to observe cider-doc.edn files, handle them, and if they aren't found / do not apply, proceed with the normal code path.

Finally, it's OK to have multiple cider-doc.edn files in the classpath (just like with data_readers.clj - they're merged)

vemv commented 3 months ago

@bbatsov @alexander-yakushev feel free to review the idea :)

Seems a small task, would be happy to get it right from the start regardless.

alexander-yakushev commented 3 months ago

Sounds like a quite useful feature!

vemv commented 3 months ago


I reckon that an alternative approach would be to use defsource.

But we've had troudbles in the past getting people to correctly wire up defsource to our mranderson-ized Compliment.

It also can be considered compelling for lib authors to code just an .edn and one or two defns, without having them pull a dependency, interact with it, etc.

I would however foster defsource for authors wanting to offer custom completions for their libraries.

But I'd see first if the simplest thing (doc only, dep-free) does get acceptance.