Closed BluePyTheDeer251 closed 3 weeks ago
When trying to install it says it cannot find the package "transient", version 0.7.7, which doesn't exist (the repo says it is 0.7.6)
OS: Arch Linux
Emacs version: 29.4
How to replicate:
Use a new computer (or a VM) with emacs installed (without cider)
Open emacs and try to install cider (after configuring init.el for MELPA)
If it says it couldn't find transient you recreated the error.
Try M-x package-refresh-contents first. Probably your local package DB is out of sync.
M-x package-refresh-contents
Thanks, problem solved
When trying to install it says it cannot find the package "transient", version 0.7.7, which doesn't exist (the repo says it is 0.7.6)
OS: Arch Linux
Emacs version: 29.4
How to replicate:
Use a new computer (or a VM) with emacs installed (without cider)
Open emacs and try to install cider (after configuring init.el for MELPA)
If it says it couldn't find transient you recreated the error.