clojure-emacs / clojure-ts-mode

The next generation Clojure major mode for Emacs, powered by TreeSitter
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Cannot transpose keywords #17

Closed manuel-uberti closed 1 year ago

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

Given a .clj file with the following content:

{:a :b}

With point between :a and :b:

{:a| :b}

If I hit C-M-t, I get:

{:b :a}

Just like clojure-mode behaves.

Actual behavior

Given the previous scenario, when I hit C-M-t, I get the message:

transpose-subr-1: Don’t have two things to transpose

Steps to reproduce the problem

Provided clojure-ts-mode is installed (I installed via NonGNU ELPA):

Environment & Version information

clojure-ts-mode version


Emacs version

GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2023-08-29

Operating system

Ubuntu 22.04.3

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

FTR, the same problem appears with elements with vectors and lists.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

In my case transposition does occur without issues with the following bits:

I'll see if I can reproduce with bits closer to the original report.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

Still no reproduction (transposition happens) using:

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

Can you try building Emacs master instead of 29, by any chance?

sogaiu commented 1 year ago


That seems to be sufficient to reproduce, I got:

transpose-subr-1: Don't have two things to transpose
sogaiu commented 1 year ago

I compared the source of transpose-sexps from Emacs 29.x and 30.y.


(defun transpose-sexps (arg &optional interactive)
  "Like \\[transpose-chars] (`transpose-chars'), but applies to sexps.
Unlike `transpose-words', point must be between the two sexps and not
in the middle of a sexp to be transposed.
With non-zero prefix arg ARG, effect is to take the sexp before point
and drag it forward past ARG other sexps (backward if ARG is negative).
If ARG is zero, the sexps ending at or after point and at or after mark
are interchanged.
If INTERACTIVE is non-nil, as it is interactively,
report errors as appropriate for this kind of usage."
  (interactive "*p\nd")
  (if interactive
      (condition-case nil
          (transpose-sexps arg nil)
        (scan-error (user-error "Not between two complete sexps")))
     (lambda (arg)
       ;; Here we should try to simulate the behavior of
       ;; (cons (progn (forward-sexp x) (point))
       ;;       (progn (forward-sexp (- x)) (point)))
       ;; Except that we don't want to rely on the second forward-sexp
       ;; putting us back to where we want to be, since forward-sexp-function
       ;; might do funny things like infix-precedence.
       (if (if (> arg 0)
           (looking-at "\\sw\\|\\s_")
         (and (not (bobp))
                    (forward-char -1)
                    (looking-at "\\sw\\|\\s_"))))
       ;; Jumping over a symbol.  We might be inside it, mind you.
       (progn (funcall (if (> arg 0)
                   'skip-syntax-backward 'skip-syntax-forward)
          (cons (save-excursion (forward-sexp arg) (point)) (point)))
         ;; Otherwise, we're between sexps.  Take a step back before jumping
         ;; to make sure we'll obey the same precedence no matter which
         ;; direction we're going.
         (funcall (if (> arg 0) 'skip-syntax-backward 'skip-syntax-forward)
                  " .")
         (cons (save-excursion (forward-sexp arg) (point))
           (progn (while (or (forward-comment (if (> arg 0) 1 -1))
                     (not (zerop (funcall (if (> arg 0)
     arg 'special)))


(defun transpose-sexps (arg &optional interactive)
  "Like \\[transpose-chars] (`transpose-chars'), but applies to sexps.          
Unlike `transpose-words', point must be between the two sexps and not           
in the middle of a sexp to be transposed.                                       
With non-zero prefix arg ARG, effect is to take the sexp before point           
and drag it forward past ARG other sexps (backward if ARG is negative).         
If ARG is zero, the sexps ending at or after point and at or after mark         
are interchanged.                                                               
If INTERACTIVE is non-nil, as it is interactively,                              
report errors as appropriate for this kind of usage."
  (interactive "*p\nd")
  (if interactive
      (condition-case nil
          (transpose-sexps arg nil)
        (scan-error (user-error "Not between two complete sexps")))
    (transpose-subr transpose-sexps-function arg 'special)))

Looks like some factoring has happened.

I tried using edebug with both versions and it seems that what is happening in transpose-subr differs.

Specifically, in 29.x, these lines:

      (setq pos1 (funcall aux -1))
      (setq pos2 (funcall aux arg))

give non-nil results, while the corresponding lines in 30.y both return nil.

FWIW, aux appears to be treesit-transpose-sexps in 30.y, and something that shows #f(compiled-function (arg) #<bytecode 0x.....>) in 29.x.

So far this doesn't seem like a bug in clojure-ts-mode, but who knows what further investigation might yield :)

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

Well, thanks a lot really for going through all this. It may be worth reporting an Emacs bug, so I'll try to do that and point to this discussion.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

I was mistaken in my last report -- aux was not treesit-transpose-sexps for 29.x -- that doesn't seem to exist in Emacs 29.x. My bad.

I've amended that above in my previous comment.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

I tried stepping through treesit-transpose-sexps and the vague sense I get is that it may be assuming things that don't hold for some parts of tree-sitter-clojure (the tree-sitter grammar that clojure-ts-mode currently uses).

Note that transposition does seem to work for integers.

Using tree-sitter-clojure's terms, transposition works for num_lit (numbers), but not kwd_lit.

Currently, kwd_lit is defined this way:

    kwd_lit: $ =>

    // (namespace :/usr/bin/env) ; => ""
    // (name :/usr/bin/env) ; => "usr/bin/env"
    _kwd_leading_slash: $ =>
    seq(field('marker', $._kwd_marker),
        field('delimiter', NS_DELIMITER),
        field('name', alias(KEYWORD_NAMESPACED_BODY, $.kwd_name))),

    // (namespace :/) ;=> nil
    // (name :/) ;=> "/"
    _kwd_just_slash: $ =>
    seq(field('marker', $._kwd_marker),
        field('name', alias(NS_DELIMITER, $.kwd_name))),

    _kwd_qualified: $ =>
    prec(2, seq(field('marker', $._kwd_marker),
                field('namespace', alias(KEYWORD_NO_SIGIL, $.kwd_ns)),
                field('delimiter', NS_DELIMITER),
                field('name', alias(KEYWORD_NAMESPACED_BODY, $.kwd_name)))),

    _kwd_unqualified: $ =>
    prec(1, seq(field('marker', $._kwd_marker),
                field('name', alias(KEYWORD_NO_SIGIL, $.kwd_name)))),

    _kwd_marker: $ =>

The definition I currently see for treesit-transpose-sexps is:

 1835 (defun treesit-transpose-sexps (&optional arg)
 1836   "Tree-sitter `transpose-sexps' function.                                           
 1837 ARG is the same as in `transpose-sexps'.                                             
 1839 Locate the node closest to POINT, and transpose that node with                       
 1840 its sibling node ARG nodes away.                                                     
 1842 Return a pair of positions as described by                                           
 1843 `transpose-sexps-function' for use in `transpose-subr' and                           
 1844 friends."
 1845   (let* ((parent (treesit-node-parent (treesit-node-at (point))))
 1846          (child (treesit-node-child parent 0 t)))
 1847     (named-let loop ((prev child)
 1848                      (next (treesit-node-next-sibling child t)))
 1849       (when (and prev next)
 1850         (if (< (point) (treesit-node-end next))
 1851             (if (= arg -1)
 1852                 (cons (treesit-node-start prev)
 1853                       (treesit-node-end prev))
 1854               (when-let ((n (treesit-node-child
 1855                              parent (+ arg (treesit-node-index prev t)) t)))
 1856                 (cons (treesit-node-end n)
 1857                       (treesit-node-start n))))
 1858           (loop (treesit-node-next-sibling prev t)
 1859                 (treesit-node-next-sibling next t)))))))

On line 1845, (treesit-node-at (point)) yields a node for kwd_name, and its parent is kwd_lit.

On line 1846, (treesit-node-child parent 0 t) yields kwd_name.

This logic is not likely to work with tree-sitter-clojure as it is currently implemented.

I think what one likely wants (if possible) is to identify kwd_lit at point and then map_lit as the parent.

Below is an invocation and output of running tree-sitter parse on the sample buffer content:

$ tree-sitter parse samples/transpose-keywords.clj
(source [0, 0] - [1, 0]
  (map_lit [0, 0] - [0, 7]
    value: (kwd_lit [0, 1] - [0, 3]
      name: (kwd_name [0, 2] - [0, 3]))
    value: (kwd_lit [0, 4] - [0, 6]
      name: (kwd_name [0, 5] - [0, 6]))))

It's very likely that transposition will not work with symbols either. Yes, I just checked and the same thing happens there too.

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

I see, thanks again. IIUC, it does not make sense to report this as an Emacs bug then.

Put otherwise, is there something to adjust in tree-sitter-clojure?

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

I am not sure about it not being an Emacs bug yet actually.

I'm not sure the treesit-transpose-sexps implementation is reasonable. It seems to be assuming that (treesit-node-at (point)) will yield an appropriate node for what it wants to accomplish. For tree-sitter-clojure's case, you might say it is looking too deeply when trying to handle keywords and symbols.

IIUC, there are over 300 tree-sitter grammars and I wonder whether tree-sitter-clojure is the only one that has this sort of characteristic.

The reason keywords and symbols are defined the way they are is to support the ability to access "structure" that both keywords and symbols have in Clojure (the namespace part and the name part). I'm not sure what kind of adjustment could (or should) be made on tree-sitter-clojure's side, but there hasn't been much time for thoughts to arise :)

May be @dannyfreeman will have some relevant thoughts.

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

Sorry if I am being too pushy, this is not a blocking/urgent problem by all means. I've been a happy user of this mode for a while, this won't change my opinion. :)

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

No worries!

Thanks for opening this issue -- I think it's often better to learn of these things earlier rather than later :)

dannyfreeman commented 1 year ago

I do not believe this would be an issue if tree-sitter would have properly parsed keyword names and namespaces into fields of anonymous nodes instead of forcing us to resort to named nodes. Either way here we are. Funny enough you can transpose keyword namespace and names by running transpose-sexps in the middle of a namespaced keyword :my-ns|/the-name where | is the cursor.

I'm not sure we can fix this on our end without dropping some features in the grammar, but we can use the original transpose-sexp function while tree-sitter is active.

@manuel-uberti do you mind trying out the latest change on the main branch and see if that fixes your issue?

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

I tried the changes with Emacs 30.y (88bb7cdf) and they worked fine here.

I think it might be worth bringing this up with the Emacs devs -- at least @casouri. With the number of grammars in existence, it doesn't seem unlikely to me that others might encounter this issue.

I don't know if it's a good idea, but possibly each *-ts-mode could enumerate which nodes don't work so well with treesit-transpose-sexps's current algorithm in some manner (i.e. kwd_name is too deep, kwd_lit is the desired node) and this information could be made use of by treesit-transpose-sexps to adjust.

It might make sense to do something like the above (enumerate "exceptions") for the sake of other structural editing operations as well as I don't know that transposition is going to be the only thing affected by:

if tree-sitter would have properly parsed keyword names and namespaces into fields of anonymous nodes instead of forcing us to resort to named nodes

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

I wonder if the types of changes we've been discussing here about string and regex nodes having internal "structure" would also lead to similar issues...

From conversations with the Pulsar dev in that issue (or elsewhere?) I got the impression that they'd been used to string delimiters not being part of a string token. May be it was in this comment. I guess such grammars won't necessarily exhibit this "problem" if they don't use fields, e.g. this definition of a string doesn't.

dannyfreeman commented 1 year ago

I wonder if the types of changes we've been discussing here about string and regex nodes having internal "structure" would also lead to similar issues...

Yes they probably would. Maybe looking into an offset mechanism in emacs is a better solution.

I also think it would be worth brining this transpose issue to the emacs devs. I may do so soon, but need to take a little break from the mailing list first.

casouri commented 1 year ago

I didn't write treesit-transpose-sexps, but I've got some good news. Theo (@theothornhill) added treesit-sexp-type-regexp in Emacs 30 which allows some customization, but I guess treesit-transpose-sexps wasn't updated to take advantage of it, or there was some other reason. Not long ago I added treesit-node-match-p and treesit-thing-settings and friends, which allows one to flexibly define "things", so this should be possible:

I don't know if it's a good idea, but possibly each *-ts-mode could enumerate which nodes don't work so well with treesit-transpose-sexps's current algorithm in some manner (i.e. kwd_name is too deep, kwd_lit is the desired node) and this information could be made use of by treesit-transpose-sexps to adjust.

I think what I'll do is retire treesit-sexp-type-regexp (since treesit-thing-settings can replace it), and make treesit-forward/backward-sexp and treesit-transpose-sexps take advantage of treesit-thing-settings. Then you can see if that'll allow you to make a better transpose-sexp experience.

I also think it would be worth brining this transpose issue to the emacs devs. I may do so soon, but need to take a little break from the mailing list first.

You have my condolence. FWIW, I think the people who actually put in the time and effort to maintain a project obviously have the right to decide what works for them and how they want to work. It's the same for Emacs devs who don't want to move to a forge until all their needs are met; and the same for Clojure-mode devs who want to maintain Clojure-mode outside of Emacs and not ask for assignments.

I was going to join the discussion with my 2c, but the further down I read the thread, the more my motivation dwindles ;-)

casouri commented 1 year ago

To give some context, there was some discussion about supporting extending structural movement/editing functions with tree-sitter, which includes forward/backward-sexp and transpose-sexp, and perhaps a couple more. For Emacs 29, I managed to get movement function for defuns implemented. But the rest has to wait for Emacs 30.

The problem was what does sexp means in a tree-sitter major mode. The idea of Stefan and Theo was that the sexp would be determined by the position of point. Eg, something like "the largest/smallest node before/after point".

Personally I'm more fond of defining sexps as "repeatable nodes", ie, any node that can be repeated in the grammar. So things like defun, arguments in an argument, statements, list elements, etc, are all considered sexps. This is more straightforward (ie, lower cognitive load) and useful for movement, IMO.

But my idea is perhaps more suitable for forward/backward-list. Anyway, we went with sexp = syntax construct at point.

I hope this explains the particular way treesit-transpose-sexps is implemented. Theo can probably explain it better since he wrote it.

manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago

@manuel-uberti do you mind trying out the latest change on the main branch and see if that fixes your issue?

It works as expected now, thanks a lot.

dannyfreeman commented 1 year ago

think what I'll do is retire treesit-sexp-type-regexp (since treesit-thing-settings can replace it), and make treesit-forward/backward-sexp and treesit-transpose-sexps take advantage of treesit-thing-settings. Then you can see if that'll allow you to make a better transpose-sexp experience.

Thanks for chiming in with this. I'll try to keep an eye out for those changes and see about filling out the treesit-thing-settings in the meantime.

I was going to join the discussion with my 2c, but the further down I read the thread, the more my motivation dwindles ;-)

I appreciate the kind words here as well, and can't blame you for abstaining lol.


It works as expected now, thanks a lot.

Glad to be of service. A new version is pushed up and should be available now. With that I will close this ticket.

casouri commented 1 year ago

Thanks for chiming in with this. I'll try to keep an eye out for those changes and see about filling out the treesit-thing-settings in the meantime.

I just pushed a change to master. Now treesit-transpose-sexps should work with treesit-thing-settings. It should find the sexp at point and transpose it with its siblings.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

@casouri Thanks for the heads up.

@dannyfreeman For reference, here are some treesit-thing-settings examples I came across:




sentence, sexp, text

dannyfreeman commented 1 year ago

@casouri Thank you for doing that so quickly. I'll try it out and let you know if I have any trouble.

@sogaiu You are a research machine, these examples will come in handy. Thank you

I'll try get these worked out either tonight or tomorrow when I can find some free time.

I'm not quite sure what would be considered a "sentence" in clojure-ts-mode. I think most things with the exception of ; style comments and sub nodes of keywords/symbols would be s-expressions. I'm guessing that power things like forward/backward-sentence. If I can match the behavior of clojure-mode that should be sufficient. They currently work the same out of the box.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

Here are recent docs for treesit-thing-settings:

  DEFVAR_LISP ("treesit-thing-settings",
           /* A list defining things.

The value should be an alist of (LANGUAGE . DEFINITIONS), where
LANGUAGE is a language symbol, and DEFINITIONS is a list of


THING is a symbol representing the thing, like `defun', `sexp', or
`sentence'; PRED defines what kind of node can be qualified as THING.

PRED can be a regexp string that matches the type of the node; it can
be a predicate function that takes the node as the sole argument and
returns t if the node is the thing, and nil otherwise; it can be a
cons (REGEXP . FN), which is a combination of a regexp and a predicate
function, and the node has to match both to qualify as the thing.

PRED can also be recursively defined.  It can be (or PRED...), meaning
satisfying anyone of the inner PREDs qualifies the node; or (not
PRED), meaning not satisfying the inner PRED qualifies the node.

Finally, PRED can refer to other THINGs defined in this list by using
the symbol of that THING.  For example, (or sexp sentence).  */);

FWIW, I didn't find any examples where PRED was a predicate function and my brief tinkering didn't yield useful results (likely pilot error and lack of understanding (^^; ).

Update: Oh wait, I guess the ruby one does sort of have something that's of the form (REGEXP . FN):

(defun ruby-ts--sexp-p (node)
  ;; Skip parenless calls (implicit parens are both non-obvious to the
  ;; user, and might take over when we want to just over some physical
  ;; parens/braces).
  (or (not (equal (treesit-node-type node)
      (equal (treesit-node-type (treesit-node-child node 0))

;; ...

  (setq-local treesit-thing-settings
                 (sexp ,(cons (rx
                                ;; ...

But may be that kind of thing is not needed for the current case.

Was also puzzled about what should count as a sentence, but I thought one way to investigate that might be to look for how other modes might behave with treesit-forward-sentence.

On a side note, I applied the wisdom from this post to the emacs-devel mailing list to have multiple versions of Emacs available for testing. That in combination with the new --init-directory option in 29.x and a few other bits has been helpful. May be there are better ways...

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

@casouri I tried a variety of things without much success (see below for my best guess).

I also tried with some JavaScript:

var a = [true, false];
//            ^
//            |
//          cursor

Using js-ts-mode, the result of C-M-t was:

var [true, false] = a;

When not using js-ts-mode, the expected result appeared:

var a = [false, true];

So may be it's possible there's something not quite right?

I think the emacs I tried was from the master branch at commit 781c0393.

What I thought might work for clojure-ts-mode was:

diff --git a/clojure-ts-mode.el b/clojure-ts-mode.el
index 2fc9a4a..f235f5c 100644
--- a/clojure-ts-mode.el
+++ b/clojure-ts-mode.el
@@ -618,7 +618,35 @@ See `clojure-ts--standard-definition-node-name' for the implementation used.")
                 '((comment string char number)
                   (keyword constant symbol bracket builtin)
-                  (deref quote metadata definition variable type doc regex tagged-literals)))
+                  (deref quote metadata definition variable type doc regex tagged-literals))
+                treesit-thing-settings
+                `((clojure
+                   (sexp ,(regexp-opt '("#_"
+                                        "num_lit"
+                                        "kwd_lit"
+                                        "str_lit"
+                                        "char_lit"
+                                        "nil_lit"
+                                        "bool_lit"
+                                        "sym_lit"
+                                        "list_lit"
+                                        "map_lit"
+                                        "vec_lit"
+                                        "set_lit"
+                                        "anon_fn_lit"
+                                        "regex_lit"
+                                        "read_cond_lit"
+                                        "splicing_read_cond_lit"
+                                        "ns_map_lit"
+                                        "var_quoting_lit"
+                                        "sym_val_lit"
+                                        "evaling_lit"
+                                        "tagged_or_ctor_lit"
+                                        "derefing_lit"
+                                        "quoting_lit"
+                                        "syn_quoting_lit"
+                                        "unquote_splicing_lit"
+                                        "unquoting_lit"))))))
     (when clojure-ts--debug
       (setq-local treesit--indent-verbose t
                   treesit--font-lock-verbose t)

@dannyfreeman On a side note, I included #_, because IIUC, it's a convenient thing to be able to toggle between two parameters, e.g. between:

(my-nice-fn left-alt #_ right-alt)
(my-nice-fn #_ left-alt right-alt)
dannyfreeman commented 1 year ago

I've pushed a new commit to main that re-enables treesit-transpose-sexp and takes advantage of treesit-thing-settings.

Seems to work well. @sogaiu your attempt was missing a layer of parens

   ( ;; right here
     (sexp ;; ...

This still solves the @manuel-uberti reported. If you feel up to trying again with the latest main branch here that would be appreciated. It will need the latest Emacs master branch that @casouri released the new treesit-transpose-sexps on.

@sogaiu says

a side note, I included #_, because IIUC, it's a convenient thing to be able to toggle between two parameters, e.g. between:

This trick is so cool. I included it in the change I pushed.


Something that might be useful for this mode and other modes is some notion of precedence when identifying a treesit-thing. What I am about to describe below also does not work in clojure-mode, I would consider this icing on an already sweet cake


The following is a str_lit, and we consider a s-expression node.


The next example is a tagged_or_ctor_list

#uuid "f4abb408-02a3-4289-9ef7-f0c5b69221a0"

which has a tree that looks like

 (tagged_or_ctor_lit #
  tag: (sym_lit name: (sym_name))

which has a sub-tree of str_lit.

If I call transpose-sexp

#uuid "asdf"
| ;; My cursor

then the result is this

#uuid 'a-symbol
| ;; My cursor

Where a would expect

| ;; My cursor
#uuid 'a-symbol

But we're matching the smallest nodes around the point as s-expressions here, which is just the string and the symbol, not the entire tagged_or_ctor_list. I think this might be solved by defining some sort of precedence when matching a thing node. or with multiple regexs does not do that. Not sure if I can suggest good ergonomics right now for defining precedence, but I will think on it.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

missing a layer of parens

   ( ;; right here
     (sexp ;; ...

Puzzling because AFAICT the samples I found don't seem to have a paren there...

For example in ruby-ts-mode.el:

  (setq-local treesit-thing-settings
                 (sexp ,(cons (rx

or in c-ts-mode.el:

  (setq-local treesit-thing-settings
                 ;; It's more useful to include semicolons as sexp so
                 ;; that users can move to the end of a statement.
                 (sexp (not ,(rx (or "{" "}" "[" "]" "(" ")" ","))))

or in js.el:

    (setq-local treesit-thing-settings
                   (sexp ,(regexp-opt js--treesit-sexp-nodes)))

The docstring I looked at had:

The value should be an alist of (LANGUAGE . DEFINITIONS), where
LANGUAGE is a language symbol, and DEFINITIONS is a list of


With (LANGUAGE . DEFINITIONS) being a cons, isn't:


the same as:



May be there's some disconnect among the mode code, the docstring, and the implementation...or may be I've just missed something obvious (^^;

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

Will need to digest the precedence stuff. Seems potentially tricky.

I think I may have learned the transposition of #_ trick for argument toggling from @PEZ when doing a small amount of work on calva, so can't claim any credit there :)

casouri commented 1 year ago

Most likely Danny didn't set treesit-thing-settings correctly and Emacs falls back to using the default sexp function, which observes the same behavior as clojure-mode ;-) I need to look at the definition of treesit-transpose-sexps. It seems that simply adding treesit-thing-settings support to it doesn't solve the problem. I might need to change its logic or rewrite it.

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

@casouri Thanks for taking a look and your thoughts.

Just to clarify, do you observe the same behavior for the JavaScript example mentioned here? Repeating below for convenience:

var a = [true, false];
//            ^
//            |
//          cursor

Using js-ts-mode, the result of C-M-t was:

var [true, false] = a;

When not using js-ts-mode, the expected result appeared:

var a = [false, true];
manuel-uberti commented 1 year ago


This still solves the @manuel-uberti reported. If you feel up to trying again with the latest main branch here that would be appreciated. It will need the latest Emacs master branch that @casouri released the new treesit-transpose-sexps on.

Yep, I can confirm it still works as expected. (Emacs built on f08684ab and latest clojure-ts-mode).

sogaiu commented 1 year ago

@manuel-uberti Note this potential caveat though.

dannyfreeman commented 1 year ago

Yeah I'll wait again to fix. Even though my thing-settings aren't really working, I'm just going to leave them since they have the same effect as reverting to the transpose function for now.

-- Danny Freeman