clojure-emacs / orchard

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Run test suite for :cljs branches #150

Open vemv opened 2 years ago

vemv commented 2 years ago

There are a few :cljs branches in our reader conditionals, but there isn't a cljs runner in our CI.

This means an important hole in test coverage.

(Thanks for spotting this @lread)

lread commented 2 years ago

The context is me looking into an issue @vemv raised on cljdoc. He had an awesome idea that I was exploring, and initial experiments look promising for cljdoc Clojure analysis. But when the cljdoc analyzer saw cljc files in orchard, it tried ClojureScript analysis and that failed. I was wondering if this failure was cljdoc's or orchard's.

So I dug into orchard (a very wee bit) to see if there were cljs tests. I do see test-cljs/orchard/cljs but don't understand if/how these are run.

lread commented 2 years ago

FWIW, cljdoc now allows you to select which languages are analyzed. To only have cljdoc analyze for clj (and not cljs), a ./doc/cljdoc.edn with the following contents should do the trick:

{:cljdoc/languages ["clj"]}

Lemme know if you want a PR.

vemv commented 2 years ago

Nice feature!

PR would be perfect, thanks! Same for cider-nrepl, refactor-nrepl

lread commented 2 years ago

PR would be perfect, thanks! Same for cider-nrepl, refactor-nrepl

@vemv, PR done for this repo, for your next release to clojars, cljdoc should build fine, feel free to ping me if there are any issues.

I had a quick look at the following for you:

vemv commented 2 years ago

Cheers! 🍻

Both projects depend on Orchard, so starting there seems on the safe side.