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Doesn't find tests for project and namespace #151

Closed dgr closed 2 years ago

dgr commented 2 years ago

Expected behavior

Running tests for project (C-c C-t C-p) or namespace (C-c C-t C-n) should result in project or namespace level tests being run.

Actual behavior

This does not happen. Running tests for project or namespace results in a message saying that tests were not found.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Create a new project. Execute tests per the keystrokes above.

Environment & Version information

Orchard version is whatever comes with cider-20220121.1047 installed from Elpa. On Clojurian's Slack, @vemv asked me to execute some things in the REPL. Here is that output.

clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.query/namespaces {:project? true})
(#namespace[clj-tda.api] #namespace[clj-tda.tqqq])
clj-tda.api> cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace/project-root
#object[ 0x50197763 "file:/Users/dave/clojure/clj-tda/"]
clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace/in-project? cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace/project-root)
clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace/project-namespaces)
(clj-tda.api clj-tda.tqqq)
clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.query/namespaces {:project? true :has-tests? true})

I have two namespaces in my project, clj-tda.api and clj-tda.tqqq. The first, clj-tda.api, has tests.

Clojure version


Java version

Azul Zulu 17.0.1 installed via MacOS Homebrew.

Operating system

MacOS 12.1

vemv commented 2 years ago

So, (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace/project-namespaces) returns clj-tda.api which has tests.

But :has-tests? true will filter out this result.

has-tests? has a straightforward definition that can't be easily fooled:

(defn has-tests?
  "Returns a truthy value if the namespace has any vars with `:test` metadata."
  (seq (filter (comp :test meta val) (ns-interns ns))))

Isn't it possible that clj-tda.api is not fully loaded?

One easy way to check is:

(cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace/has-tests? (the-ns 'clj-tda.api))

If it returns falsey, it could indicate a code loading issue, which is dependent on one's workflow (one of: repl-driven, using tools.namespace, cider-refresh, etc)

dgr commented 2 years ago

I forced it to load again and here's what I get for various combinations:

clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.query/namespaces {:project? true :has-tests? true})
clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.query/namespaces {:has-tests? true})
clj-tda.api> (cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.query/namespaces {:project? true})
(#namespace[clj-tda.api] #namespace[clj-tda.tqqq])

It correctly shows "main" namespaces in the project, but not the test namespace.

vemv commented 2 years ago
(in-ns 'cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace)


Maybe the returned value is including "src" but not "test"?

dgr commented 2 years ago

Here's the output:

clj-tda.api> (in-ns 'cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace)

#namespace[cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.orchard.v0v9v1.orchard.namespace](#object[ 0x2a251ffe "file:/Users/dave/clojure/clj-tda/src/"]
 #object[ 0xbcbb325 "file:/Users/dave/clojure/clj-tda/resources/"]
 #object[ 0x75a17782 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/better-cond/better-cond/2.1.4/better-cond-2.1.4.jar"]
 #object[ 0x2a551795 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/camel-snake-kebab/camel-snake-kebab/0.4.2/camel-snake-kebab-0.4.2.jar"]
 #object[ 0x36ee42df "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.28.1/cider-nrepl-0.28.1.jar"]
 #object[ 0x60ea8dbc "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/clj-http/clj-http/3.12.3/clj-http-3.12.3.jar"]
 #object[ 0x1e89fb44 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/cljc/java-time/"]
 #object[ 0x1c62aebf "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/etaoin/etaoin/0.4.6/etaoin-0.4.6.jar"]
 #object[ 0x58deef56 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/failjure/failjure/2.2.0/failjure-2.2.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x6c6d0e9c "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/funcool/promesa/6.0.2/promesa-6.0.2.jar"]
 #object[ 0x3d6f8b8e "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/metosin/jsonista/0.3.5/jsonista-0.3.5.jar"]
 #object[ 0x3471cdca "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/nrepl/nrepl/0.9.0/nrepl-0.9.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x1b7a304d "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/bovinegenius/exploding-fish/0.3.6/exploding-fish-0.3.6.jar"]
 #object[ 0x1f67d450 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.10.3/clojure-1.10.3.jar"]
 #object[ 0x5e150fc9 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/refactor-nrepl/refactor-nrepl/3.2.0/refactor-nrepl-3.2.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x64b0965c "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.15/commons-codec-1.15.jar"]
 #object[ 0x2e023adf "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.8.0/commons-io-2.8.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0xf66ae1b "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpasyncclient/4.1.4/httpasyncclient-4.1.4.jar"]
 #object[ 0x797b9379 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13/httpclient-4.5.13.jar"]
 #object[ 0x1999f87c "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient-cache/4.5.13/httpclient-cache-4.5.13.jar"]
 #object[ 0x2672ed52 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.14/httpcore-4.4.14.jar"]
 #object[ 0x1cde89f1 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpmime/4.5.13/httpmime-4.5.13.jar"]
 #object[ 0x391b2148 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/potemkin/potemkin/0.4.5/potemkin-0.4.5.jar"]
 #object[ 0x6f97740f "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/slingshot/slingshot/0.12.2/slingshot-0.12.2.jar"]
 #object[ 0x5e3e1cd2 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/cljs/java-time/"]
 #object[ 0x36c797e5 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/cheshire/cheshire/5.9.0/cheshire-5.9.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x56b6f114 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/clojure/data.codec/0.1.0/data.codec-0.1.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x255d0c1 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/clojure/tools.cli/1.0.194/tools.cli-1.0.194.jar"]
 #object[ 0x2ca384d5 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/clojure/tools.logging/0.3.1/tools.logging-0.3.1.jar"]
 #object[ 0x2651461b "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-core/2.13.0/jackson-core-2.13.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x470e3d94 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-databind/2.13.0/jackson-databind-2.13.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x6b712e6c "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/datatype/jackson-datatype-jsr310/2.13.0/jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.13.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x5bc48afb "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/clojure/core.specs.alpha/0.2.56/core.specs.alpha-0.2.56.jar"]
 #object[ 0x77897e06 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/clojure/spec.alpha/0.2.194/spec.alpha-0.2.194.jar"]
 #object[ 0x41dd0ffe "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar"]
 #object[ 0x233d5be7 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore-nio/4.4.10/httpcore-nio-4.4.10.jar"]
 #object[ 0x5cd19e29 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/clj-tuple/clj-tuple/0.2.2/clj-tuple-0.2.2.jar"]
 #object[ 0x6094a2fb "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/riddley/riddley/0.1.12/riddley-0.1.12.jar"]
 #object[ 0x491ff3e8 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/henryw374/js-joda/3.2.0-0/js-joda-3.2.0-0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x347b4f "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/net/cgrand/macrovich/0.2.0/macrovich-0.2.0.jar"]
 #object[ 0x50c49db6 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/jackson-dataformat-cbor/2.9.9/jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.9.9.jar"]
 #object[ 0x15826e2f "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/jackson-dataformat-smile/2.9.9/jackson-dataformat-smile-2.9.9.jar"]
 #object[ 0x23b44fc4 "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/tigris/tigris/0.1.1/tigris-0.1.1.jar"]
 #object[ 0x79a6fe "file:/Users/dave/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-annotations/2.13.0/jackson-annotations-2.13.0.jar"])
vemv commented 2 years ago

So indeed it includes "file:/Users/dave/clojure/clj-tda/src/" but not "file:/Users/dave/clojure/clj-tda/test/".

I'd recommend checking which deps.edn aliases are you passing to CIDER. Typically :test should be somewhere in there e.g.:


(cider-clojure-cli-global-options . "-A:dev:test")
dgr commented 2 years ago

Hm, where am I looking for that, exactly?

Here's the deps.edn, if it matters.

{:paths ["src" "resources"]
 :deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
        camel-snake-kebab/camel-snake-kebab {:mvn/version "0.4.2"}
        metosin/jsonista {:mvn/version "0.3.5"}
        etaoin/etaoin {:mvn/version "0.4.6"}
        clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version "3.12.3"} {:mvn/version "0.1.18"}
        org.bovinegenius/exploding-fish {:mvn/version "0.3.6"}
        funcool/promesa {:mvn/version "6.0.2"}
        failjure/failjure {:mvn/version "2.2.0"}
        better-cond/better-cond {:mvn/version "2.1.4"}}
  {:extra-paths ["test"]
   :extra-deps {org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.1"}
                {:git/tag "v0.5.0" :git/sha "48c3c67"}}}
  :build {:deps {io.github.seancorfield/build-clj
                 {:git/tag "v0.6.6" :git/sha "171d5f1"}}
          :ns-default build}}}
vemv commented 2 years ago

Per either you've opted to Launch an nREPL Server From Emacs which would need cider-clojure-cli-global-options to be tweaked, or you'd be opting to Connect to a Running nREPL Server which needs you to run an nREPL server from the terminal with the :test alias being specified by hand in that CLI invocation.

dgr commented 2 years ago

Ah, I haven't done that. OK, let me try it and get back to you. For the past many years, I've been using CIDER with Leiningen projects and it Just Worked. This time, I decided to move over and try tools.deps and I'm still learning the differences.

dgr commented 2 years ago

Yep, that was it. Sorry to have troubled you. I was so used to CIDER just working out of the box with very little other configuration with Leiningen-based projects.

vemv commented 2 years ago


No issue, will hammock if we can provide some alias inference for deps.edn users.

bbatsov commented 2 years ago

Ah, I haven't done that. OK, let me try it and get back to you. For the past many years, I've been using CIDER with Leiningen projects and it Just Worked. This time, I decided to move over and try tools.deps and I'm still learning the differences.

I know there's a massive exodus to tools.deps, but I really don't get it. It seemed that people are trading a lot of convenience for the benefit of not using a 3rd party tool.

Probably we should add some bigger warnings about the necessary setup in the tools.deps section of the docs.

dgr commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's one reason why I wanted to try it. I've just used Leiningen habitually since I really started with Clojure in earnest (and gave up trying to use Clojure once before that because Leiningen didn't exist at that point). tools.deps seems to have a lot of flexibility and tune-ability, but it's definitely not "batteries included" and there seem to be many ways to do the same thing, which probably hampers something like CIDER "just working."

On this particular issue, I think CIDER could do two things that would help:

  1. The manual probably needs bigger sections that highlight setup and usage of CIDER with tools.deps. @vemv pointed me at the manual section that mentions cider-clojure-cli-aliases, but it's obscure and not well highlighted. In particular, it doesn't mention anything about tests. Ideally, there would be two sections (maybe more, I guess). One for "If using Leiningen..." and "If using tools.deps..." and then outline all the things that people probably want to do but haven't thought of.
  2. Consider parsing deps.edn and looking for a test or tests alias and automatically injecting that if cider-clojure-cli-aliases is not set. If cider-clojure-cli-aliases is set, then assume the user knows what she wants and give it to her. IMO, wanting tests injected and naming the alias test or tests will be the common use case. If the project creation utilities for tools.deps can settle on a "standard" default name, you would hit 99% of the Clojure projects out there.

In any case, thanks for all the work you folks put into CIDER/orchard/etc. It's a really great ecosystem. I've tried to contribute something back in the past by editing the manual and will continue to do so.