clojure-emacs / refactor-nrepl

nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Refactor nrepl is failing to build AST for certain valid entries in the code #389

Closed rmuslimov closed 1 year ago

rmuslimov commented 1 year ago


refactor-nrepl is failing to build AST tree for valid clojure case. Issue occurs when user works with external lib (pronto)

Expected behavior

  1. Add pronto defmapper definition to code (
    (p/defmapper user-mapper [com.plato.proto.Common$User])
  2. Run "cljr-rename-symbol" for any entry in the code.
  3. Notice that generation fails with exception
    at nrepl.middleware$wrap_conj_descriptor$fn__13594.invoke(middlERROR: Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:dir /Users/rmuslimov/workspace/plato/, :prefix-rewriting true, :ns plato.adapters.morse.core, :name show-keyboard, :file /Users/rmuslimov/workspace/plato/src/main/clj/plato/adapters/morse/core.clj, :ignore-errors [], :debug false, :op find-symbol, :column 11, :insert-newline-after-require true, :line 18, :id 110, :session fa62cd2e-3b1e-4727-9ab5-92a53221a587}
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: refactor-nrepl is unable to build an AST for tools.analyzer encountered the following problem: Params must be valid binding symbols, had: [clojure.lang.Symbol]
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$throw_ast_in_bad_state.invokeStatic(analyzer.clj:111)
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$throw_ast_in_bad_state.invoke(analyzer.clj:108)
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$ns_ast.invokeStatic(analyzer.clj:127)
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$ns_ast.invoke(analyzer.clj:115)

Actual behavior

Supposed to work since clojure code is valid.

Environment & Version information

clj-refactor.el and refactor-nrepl version information

clj-refactor 3.6.0 (package: 20221023.1644), refactor-nrepl 3.6.0

CIDER version information

Include here the version string displayed when CIDER's REPL is launched. Here's an example:

;; CIDER 1.6.0-snapshot (package: 20221208.1801), nREPL 1.0.0
;; Clojure 1.11.1, Java 19.0.1

deps.edn version

{:deps {io.github.clojure/ {:git/tag "v0.8.1" :git/sha "7d40500"}}

Emacs version

GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0, NS appkit-1671.60 Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G95)) of 2022-09-12

Operating system

Macos Ventura 13.01

vemv commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report!

If you provide a reproduction git repo, I'll be able to attend it swiftly. I don't know what a com.plato.proto.Common$User is, and similarly I've never worked with protocol buffers.

Cheers - V

vemv commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, I can repro this by running refactor-nrepl on a checkout.

vemv commented 1 year ago

I found the issue, it's rather simple:

rmuslimov commented 1 year ago

Hi @vemv! I'm impressed with your "speed of sound" response to the issue and diligence on find root of the issue. Thank you!