clojure-expectations / expectations

A minimalist's unit testing framework ("classic" version)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Tests executing out-of-order with `lein test` #31

Closed ptaoussanis closed 10 years ago

ptaoussanis commented 10 years ago

Hi Jay,

Thanks for all your work on the lib!

Any chance you could explain (or point me to a resource explaining) what determines the order in which tests are executed? I was working under the assumption that they execute on a single thread, linearly top-to-bottom - but I'm running into results that seem to disagree.

When I got to debugging and adding print statements to each test body, I'm getting the following out of lein test:

"5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4" (i.e. the last 4 tests are executing before the first 4).

Don't have a lot of time to dig into this atm, so any pointers to get me started would be greatly appreciated. Cheers! :-)

Environment: Expectations 1.4.56, Clojure 1.5.1, Lein 2.3.3

jaycfields commented 10 years ago

Hi Peter, how are you running your tests? lein-expectations? expectations-mode? in IntelliJ?

ptaoussanis commented 10 years ago

Hi Jay, am using lein-expectations 0.0.8 (so lein expectation, not lein test - sorry).

Will try get a minimum reproducible example to you in a couple days. But basic principle here: tests are supposed to execute linearly on one thread, yes?

Thanks again!

jaycfields commented 10 years ago

One thread - definitely

I haven't focused on ensuring that they run in any specific order, but I can take a look at what it would take to ensure ordering.

ptaoussanis commented 10 years ago

Okay, great- thanks Jay. Juggling a few urgent things atm - will try follow up once I know if the problem's on my end or not.

Cheers! :-)

jaycfields commented 9 years ago

Hopefully I emailed on this before I closed it, but I'm adding this now, in case I didn't.

I put printlns in a bunch of expected values and they printed in order. I ran the tests using expectations-mode, at the repl, and using lein expectations. All 3 produced the output in order.

So, I don't know of any reason they'd run out of order.

ptaoussanis commented 9 years ago

Hi Jay,

Have a reproducible example of tests apparently running out-of-order in some public code.

Using Expectations 2.0.12, lein expectations "taoensso.carmine.tests.message-queue" at the command line produces output:


Ran 10 tests containing 10 assertions in 1324 msecs
0 failures, 0 errors.

So test 9 is running first, then 10, then 1.

This is currently in the repo, dev branch if you want to inspect it locally.

I've been unsuccessful in trying to pin down the necessary conditions for a more minimal reproducible case. But even if we assume my code's buggy - it appears that (?) the tests themselves may be running out-of-order?

Any input would be hugely appreciated. I'll update you if I find anything further that might help diagnostically.

jaycfields commented 9 years ago

Thanks, that's really helpful. I was able to reproduce the same thing locally. I found what I believe is the issue in expectations, fixed it, and released 2.0.13 this morning. I also tested it with carmine and saw correct ordering.

Thanks for helping me get this resolved.

Cheers, Jay

ptaoussanis commented 9 years ago

Jay, all tests appear to be passing (incl. command-line tests) with v2.0.13. You are a champion, thank you so much for getting this resolved! I owe you one.

I've taken a look at the fix and I'm curious: any idea under what circumstances would the sort-by actually be necessary? Why/when would the vars be coming in in anything other than line order?

jaycfields commented 9 years ago

You can pass vars to that function, so a custom runner may pass them in out of order. The standard path would enter that function from

where the vars are created here

which is fairly straightforward:

I supposed the sort-by str works in the majority of situations, and is the reason it was tough to track down a case where things didn't work as expected.

jaycfields commented 9 years ago

ns-interns returns a map, which I wouldn't expect to be sorted, so I'll always have to sort somewhere... I assume.

ptaoussanis commented 9 years ago

I supposed the sort-by str works in the majority of situations, and is the reason it was tough to track down a case where things didn't work as expected.

No kidding. I was seeing the weirdest things: like the tests would pass from the command line iff I imported an empty namespace, or included an empty macro, or rearranged some fn definitions that weren't even involved in the tests.

I'm happy to see the cause+solution ended up being so simple. Ahh, computers :-)

All the best, cheers! :-)