clojure-quant / quanta

quantitative technical analysis in clojure
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tickerplant #15

Closed awb99 closed 10 months ago

awb99 commented 12 months ago

(defn create-barseries [symbol calendar size]
  (let [ds (tmlds/empty-ds)
         ds (set-meta ds symbol)
         ds (map add-row (range size)]
    {:ds ds
     :size size
     :current 0
     :length 0
     :calendar calendar
     :next-bar-end-date (next-date calendar)}))

(defn process-price [{:keys [ds current] :as bar-series} price volume]
  (update-bar ds current
     {:close current
      :volume #(+ volume %)
      :count inc
      :high #(max high %)
      :low #(min low %)
      :open #(if (= count 0) price %)}))

(defn switch-bar [{:keys [ds current calendar] :as bar-series]
(let [next-current  (if (= current 0) 
                       (dec size)
                       (dec current))]
    (update-bar ds current
       {:date datetime})
    (update-bar ds next-current
         {:volume 0
          :count 0
          :prior-date next-bar-end-date
      :next-bar-end-date (next-date calendar)
      :current  next-current
      :length (min (inc length) size)

Size 100
Length 20
Current 7
[7 27]

Size 100
Length 20
Current 96
[96 100]
[0 16]

(defn get-series [{:keys [ds current size length]}]
(let [end (+ current length)
       overhang (- end size)
       crossed? (> 0 overhang)]
  (If crossed?
      (ds-concat (rows ds current size)
                        (rows 0 overhang)
      (rows ds current end))))


(defn tickerplant-start [datafeed]
  {:instruments (atom {})
   :scheduler (scheduler-start 1 5 60})
   :datafeed datafeed})

(defn create-on-quote [state instrument]
   (fn [quote]
  (let [price (:last quote)
         Volume (:volume quote)
         barseries-seq (vals (get-in state [:instruments instrument])
        process-price2 (fn [barseries]
            (Process-price barseries price volume))
    (doall (map process-price2 barseries-seq)))

(defn add [state instrument calendar size]
   (when-not (contains-key @(:instruments state) instrument)
      (subscribe-quotes instrument (create-on-quote state instrument))
   (swap state assoc-in [:instruments
       instrument calendar]
       (create-barseries instrument calendar size])))

(defn tickerplant-end [state]
  (doall (map unsubscribe-quotes (keys (:instruments @state))
  (Stop-scheduler (:scheduler state)))


(defprotocol subscription-feed
   (subscribe [instrument])
   (unsubscribe [instrument]

(defrecord fix-connection 
     [ip port sender-id remote-id]
     (Subscribe [instrument]
         (Send-fix-msg (create-quote-subscriotion instrument)))
awb99 commented 12 months ago

We define our pipeline in a helper function called make_pipeline, using code copied from an earlier notebook (note that we factor out our 252-day momentum window into a module-level attribute, MOMENTUM_WINDOW, which will facilitate running a parameter scan later):


def make_pipeline(): """ Create a pipeline that filters by dollar volume and calculates return. """ pipeline = Pipeline( columns={ "returns": Returns(window_length=MOMENTUM_WINDOW), }, screen=AverageDollarVolume(window_length=30) > 10e6 ) return pipeline In the initialize function (required in all Zipline strategies), we attach the pipeline to the algorithm, and we schedule a custom function called rebalance that will run every market day 30 minutes before the close:

def initialize(context: algo.Context): """ Called once at the start of a backtest, and once per day in live trading. """

Attach the pipeline to the algo

algo.attach_pipeline(make_pipeline(), 'pipeline')

# Rebalance every day, 30 minutes before market close.

In before_trading_start, another built-in function which Zipline calls once per day before the market opens, we gather the pipeline output for that day and select our winners (copying code from an earlier notebook):

def before_trading_start(context: algo.Context, data: algo.BarData): """ Called every day before market open. """ factors = algo.pipeline_output('pipeline')

# Get the top 3 stocks by return
returns = factors["returns"].sort_values(ascending=False) = returns.index[:3]

Finally, in the custom rebalance function which we scheduled to run before the close, we calculate the intraday returns (again copying code from an earlier notebook) and add logic for the entering and exiting of positions:

def rebalance(context: algo.Context, data: algo.BarData):

calculate intraday returns for our winners

current_prices = data.current(, "price")
prior_closes = data.history(, "close", 2, "1d").iloc[0]
intraday_returns = (current_prices - prior_closes) / prior_closes

positions = context.portfolio.positions

# Exit positions we no longer want to hold
for asset, position in positions.items():
awb99 commented 12 months ago

Every Zipline algorithm consists of two functions you have to define:

Before the start of the algorithm, Zipline calls the initialize() function and passes in a context variable. Context is a global variable that allows you to store variables you need to access from one algorithm iteration to the next.

awb99 commented 12 months ago

def initialize(context): = symbol('SPY')

awb99 commented 12 months ago

def handle_data(context, data): MA1 = data[].mavg(50) MA2 = data[].mavg(100) date = str(data[].datetime)[:10] current_price = data[].price current_positions = context.portfolio.positions[symbol('SPY')].amount cash = value = context.portfolio.portfolio_value current_pnl = context.portfolio.pnl handle_data() contains all the

awb99 commented 10 months ago
