clojure-vim / acid.nvim

Asynchronous Clojure Interactive Development
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Install fails with "Exit status: 1" #59

Closed ttiurani closed 5 years ago

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to install the latest acid.nvim but can't for the life of me get the plugin to install.

x acid.nvim:
    Exit status: 1

I can press R to retry which claims that it works, but still in :CheckHealth there is:

## Remote Plugins
  - WARNING: "acid.nvim" is not registered.

I can't find a way to debug the error any further (not good at all in vimscript).

I have python3 and pynvim installed:

## Python 3 provider (optional)
  - INFO: `g:python3_host_prog` is not set.  Searching for python3 in the environment.
  - INFO: Executable: /usr/local/bin/python3
  - INFO: Python version: 3.6.5
  - INFO: pynvim version: 0.3.2
  - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.

Other version info:

NVIM v0.3.4
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.0.5
hkupty commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the issue.

I'm guessing you installed acid before and now you're trying to install again. Please double-check your plugins folder if it's left there somehow. This looks like a cloning issue.

If not that, make sure that your plugin manager allows cloning git repositories with submodules.

Hopefully it's something as simple as that. :)

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the swift response!

I did install acid.nvim before. I'm using the latest vim-plug and have Plug 'clojure-vim/acid.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' } which worked with version 1. I also deleted ~/.local/share/nvim completely and installed everything from scratch, but that didn't help either.

Is there some other place acid.nvim is downloading stuff? Some work dir somewhere?

hkupty commented 5 years ago

I'll double check, but there shouldn't be. This is really weird. You could try cloning acid yourself and using Plug '/path/to/your/acid.nvim' to check if it works, so you circumvent any cloning issues.

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

Quite the mystery, with:

Plug 'file:///my-path-to/acid.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }

I still get the same error.

hkupty commented 5 years ago

Oh wow.

If you don't add the { 'do': ..} part and run that yourself, does it still happen?

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

Yup, same thing happens with just Plug 'file:///my-path-to/acid.nvim'. If I knew how to debug this I could do that myself, but really don't even understand what vim-plug is doing there. This flashes:

Submodule nrepl-python-client ... registerd for path
Cloning into ... nrepl-python-client

for a while, but after that something more happens, so it doesn't seem like the cause.

hkupty commented 5 years ago

try running :messages after you get the error, see if there's something related... I'm not sure if there's any vim-plug debugging that can be turned on.. I'll check that

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

Nothing comes up with :messages. I tried to google vim-plug logging earlier too, but couldn't get anywhere. What part of this codebase is vim-plug actually running during install?

hkupty commented 5 years ago

That's the thing. It shouldn't run anything other than setting up the rtp when neovim start. There's no hook or no function should run on PlugInstall.

hkupty commented 5 years ago

That's why I'm insisting on path or something on vim-plug. All the functions should run on neovim start, after vim-plug's thing:

Unless there's something related to the bin or githooks folders, which are only bash scripts for local development. Everything else is asset (markdown or clj code to be injected).

hkupty commented 5 years ago

You can try removing both bin and githooks from your local clone and check if it still fail or not. If it doesn't I'll open a PR to remove those scripts from this repository.

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

Under ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/acid.nvim/rplugin/python3/acid I have after the install:

 zen -> ../../../deps/zen.nvim/src

which doesn't point to anywhere. There is only nrepl-python-client under deps. How should zen.nvim end up there?

ttiurani commented 5 years ago

Took a while, but found out that if I delete the deps folder (and commit to the master branch), then PlugInstall works. Deleting githooks and bin doesn't do the trick.

Found it: it was my global git hook taken from that failed. There's a bug there somewhere I need to find.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks for your work!

hkupty commented 5 years ago

I'm glad that the issue is fixed now.

Just make sure that you have the dependency from deps otherwise acid won't be able to connect to the nrepl.

If you still have any issues, please don't refrain from opening another issue.

Best, Henry