clojurebridge-berlin / organization

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Core meeting I: Agenda [November 2016] #105

Closed vsmart closed 7 years ago

vsmart commented 7 years ago

Draft Agenda for Core Meeting 1. Copied from

plexus commented 7 years ago

Core Meeting I

launch/open the sign-up forms

TODOS follow up

coaches form


organizational stuff

reach out to new groups

@vsmart will take the lead in this


design / branding

Tibor would like to push our branding a bit more. Is that ok? Can we change the logo, decide on branding fonts, use those on posters on website, etc.

This should be ok, be respectful of the previous designs. ClojureBridge logo should not be changed. ClojureBridge Berlin logo can be discussed.


Wunderlist can take care of drinks again. Typical stuff: water, bionade, cola, fanta, also coffee and tea.

If we want something else we can ask for it. (-> club mate)


  1. Breakfast

    Last time we had

    • 30 chocolate muffins
    • 30 carrot cake muffins
    • 30 vollkornbrötchen

    Vollkornbrötchen weren't a huge success, might be better if we also make sure we buy several spreads. @vsmart will look at what options there are at the bakery.

  2. Coaches + InstallFest


    • Ask a quote from NoTiers for coaches + installfest
    • Ask a quote from Miriam Lappenberg/Cafe Federica for the main event
    • Order branded cupcakes for the afternoon

    All day: fruit, trail mix, etc.


Last time we invited 37 attendees, ~35 were there, 20-ish coaches, + orga + volunteers meant about 70 people

This time we'll aim for 40 attendees, 25 coaches, 15 orga+volunteers

swag (additional to notebooks? if any?)

  1. Notebooks

    Are stashed away at Wunderlist

  2. T-shirts

    People are divided on t-shirts, general concencus seems to be that a generic ClojureBridge Berlin t-shiry, without dates or sponsors, and that can be reused across workshops, would be nice to have.

    How big the batches should be, which sizes etc is harder to estimate. This is what we had last time, Tibor will check prices and report back.

    We no longer want Stella & Stanley, we're fine with ordering from again.

    (Last time we had:

    • 27 x Stella Wants (navy blue): 9 S, 16 M, 1 L, 1 XXL
    • 32 x Stanley Acts (navy blue): 1 S, 21 M, 7 L, 1 XL, 2 XXL )
  3. Stickers

    We still have about 1200 ClojureBridge stickers, we'll need a big bunch of these for EuroClojure though.

    Would be nice to have ClojureBridge Berlin stickers. If we order more we can also get new Clojure Berlin stickers.

  4. Books

    Last time we raffled out three copies of "Clojure for the Brave and True". We can maybe raffle out a bit more this time, like 3x brave clojure, 3x living clojure.

    Carin Meyer (gigasquid), author of Living Clojure, will be at EuroClojure, we can take some books there to get signed.

    Lisa is going by car, she can take the books to Bratislava.


We can already order a batch now for the organizers.

People pay for them themselves.

You are all warmly invite to give feedback on the design ==>

We'll let people sign up during the workshop if they also want one, they can pick it up at the study group.


The sponsor page has been updated, so you can start looking for sponsors now!

Three tiers now, instead of three tiers + small sponsor.

plexus commented 7 years ago

assign tasks

What are people already planning of taking up

  1. Arne
    • contact sponsors
    • send mailing list mail
    • continue doing the finance/Travis stuff
    • attendee care
  2. Lisa
    • order books, get them signed, etc
    • generally available for website stuff
    • can help with reach-out (mailing lists)
    • will be kind of swamped the coming weeks, probably more time after, feel free to ping her if you need help
  3. Julia
    • Arrange the lightning talks
    • contact potential sponsors
    • catering, with Julia
  4. Franziska
    • focus on outreach in the next few weeks
  5. Nicola
    • will not do merchandising this time :)
    • will help with outreach
    • figure out new target groups
    • sponsors
    • cupcakes
    • stuff that nobody picks up
    • cheat sheets that fit inside the notebooks
  6. Yulia
    • outreach, getting posters/flyers around the city
    • help to find coaches
    • also happy to do stuff with the website
  7. Ben
    • catering, Julia can help
  8. Saskia
    • will be gone two weeks before the workshop, better stuff that can be done in the coming weeks
    • outreach, offline and online, posters around the city
    • catering
  9. Tibor
    • design stuff: design + order + production
      • posters flyers
      • t-shirts
      • hoodies
      • stamps
      • stickers
      • cheat sheet