clojurebridge-berlin / organization

orga-team planning and coordination
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Venue #143

Closed vsmart closed 6 years ago

vsmart commented 7 years ago

With a date for next workshop confirmed, the next immediate step is to confirm the venue then.

Since it's worked well for us in the past, I would consider Microsoft again. If I get some :+1: I'll get in touch and see if they are available.

Thoughts/Comments? Or other venues you'd like to consider?

ellenkoenig commented 7 years ago


Realtin commented 7 years ago

yep the structure of the microsoft office is really great for the workshop! if it is somehow not possible to do it there we also have the option to ask the Amazon Warehouse Event Space.

vsmart commented 7 years ago

Ok, I got in touch with them! Only thing is, we'll need some help this time in form of an employee who helps out the whole Friday & saturday. Maybe we can offer them a workshop spot in exchange.

Realtin commented 7 years ago

What is with Ryan .. does he still work at wunderlist?

Malwine commented 7 years ago

Are you sure about MS? I heard new teams will be moving in on the 6th floor and thus making the space are inaccessible.

vsmart commented 7 years ago

@Malwine Hm, good to know. I'll ask katya about the details. I imagine that even if some rooms are not accessible it's still our best option. Do you have an alternative in mind?

Malwine commented 7 years ago

@vsmart You could ask Laura from RailsGirls about the rooms at HTW. (Pro: Accessible/Con: far out). I just want to make sure MS doesn't tell you last minute that you cannot have the space like 2 weeks before the event. There will be some construction works at some point this year- they wanted to build in an accessible toilet and one team + several colleagues moved in one of the rooms that we used before. Probably the space can still be used but there is a chance that it is not possible (as everybody would have to sign an NDA like for the floor above e.g.).

vsmart commented 7 years ago

I have confirmation that we can use Microsoft and they would also sponsor all drinks. I have yet to discuss Malwine's concern with them however.

vsmart commented 7 years ago

alternative venue options

Please post your findings in here.

nblumoe commented 7 years ago

If we need more options, I could ask at Wooga. Just let me know if I should reach out (seems like we have enough in the pipeline already).

socksy commented 7 years ago

It would be awesome if you could check if they could host it! All of the things in the pipeline are more just v. early considerations.

vsmart commented 7 years ago

yes please check! @nblumoe wooga is a great location! and they host game jams frequently which have similar requirements (one big meeting space, but then smaller rooms for quiet dev/coaching time) --- reminder, date is october 6/7th, but if they can only do the 7th, still worth considering.

vsmart commented 7 years ago


nblumoe commented 7 years ago

For up to 40 people Installfest at Futurice could be an option.

vsmart commented 6 years ago

Update: Wooga is happening :tada:

@nblumoe and I went to speak with our contacts at Wooga today. The space looks great and I think will work well for us. There is a big auditorium and lots of small meetings room we can use, also for childcare and quiet rooms. One minus is they do not have accessible bathrooms.

You can read the full questionaire at