This is a high-level overview of what's happening with ClojureBridge.
Bookmark it in your browsers, and use it to see what currently needs
attention. (the "In progress" and "Up next" columns!)
4) We have a venue! It looks like we can use Wooga for the workshop -
yay! Nils and I will visit them soon to check it out in person, but it
should be a go.
5) Next orga meeting is July 27th. Mark your calenders!
6) Please let me know if you have any questions, need help, or would
like a pointer on what to help with.
Hi all,
I wanted to send you an update with the latest info.
1) Our project board is now up:
This is a high-level overview of what's happening with ClojureBridge. Bookmark it in your browsers, and use it to see what currently needs attention. (the "In progress" and "Up next" columns!)
2) We need Sponsors!
I have set up an overview page for how to contact a sponsor:
Now is the best time to get contacts for sponsoring, also feel free to tweet or otherwise reach out to people.
3) I have created issues for outreach, catering, speaker search, flyer design and some others - check the project board!
4) We have a venue! It looks like we can use Wooga for the workshop - yay! Nils and I will visit them soon to check it out in person, but it should be a go.
5) Next orga meeting is July 27th. Mark your calenders!
6) Please let me know if you have any questions, need help, or would like a pointer on what to help with.