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Orga Meeting - Sept 21 2017 #177

Closed vsmart closed 6 years ago

vsmart commented 6 years ago

Catch up on the last agenda:

When & Where

Agenda for Thursday

After the status updates and checkins, we can spend some time coworking, sitting together and getting a head start on various tasks.

Did I miss anything? Let me know!


cc @DanToml @daiyi @pepper-aenn @lislis @socksy @nblumoe @codebeige @daveliepmann @saskali @Realtin @JohannaCarola

endocrimes commented 6 years ago

@vsmart I'm unsure if I can make it, but definitely would like to do a status check with the speakers this week, and sort out any next steps for the CircleCI sponsorship

vsmart commented 6 years ago

@DanToml sounds good! would be great to get all speakers to fill out the confirmation form so we can get an overview of who's definitely coming!

nblumoe commented 6 years ago

I won't be able to make it, we got an event at our daughter's school. BUT please let me know if you need help anywhere.

Realtin commented 6 years ago

I won't be there either. I signed up for an event that evening.

daiyi commented 6 years ago

unfortunately I scheduled an interview right in the middle ): ): ):

(that's the coolest gif ever though!)

saskali commented 6 years ago

I won't be able to join tonight either :(

My update: I talked to Suppenkult today and chose two vegan soups for the coaches training next week (caribbean pepper and zucchini coconut). They have my contact in case they need to reach me this week or on Thursday. I will send them the delivery and billing address by tomorrow. For the install fest, I will call next week to tell them about food restrictions and choice of soups.

Also, I got a copy from NextJournal with the information about the Travis transfer. Is there a specific person I should hand this to?

plexus commented 6 years ago

@saskali I used to do the communication with Travis regarding the sponsor receipts. If no one is already doing that then I can do that again. Just send the payment details to me (email or slack) and I'll bundle them up and forward them to Travis Foundation (Anika or Laura).

plexus commented 6 years ago

@vsmart not sure how many sponsors are going through Travis Foundation this time but maybe mention it at the meeting that people in contact with the sponsors can forward the details to me

vsmart commented 6 years ago

@plexus I can mention this. Should only be a few. The full overview ticket is at #176.

JohannaCarola commented 6 years ago

Notes Orga Meeting - Sept 21 2017

Workshop in 2 weeks & 2 days


see wrap up finances issue #176


Speakers #152


Child Care

→ 2 people need childcare (kids actually have the same age) → @vsmart will email the two attendees to let them know we have organized child care (so that they know for sure that this is being organized and to ask them about further details like if the children have allergies!!)


@daveliepmann we have a curriculum! all the changes for the base curriculum are in place. No major changes expected. Left todo: hard and ugly changes. The maria curriculum is complete (7 people will use it), @daveliepmann will still work a bit on it. If anyone wants to take a look at maria is welcome to do so and give feedback. → who will coach using maria? maria coaches: dave, arne, malwine, jack rusher, matt , saskia, chris We will pair coaches who want to use maria to work together ( @daveliepmann to coordinate with them) They should, if possible, coach complete newcomers to coding ( @lislis and @JohannaCarola to create groups)



→ tshirts ordered! Yay! This issue #163 is closed THANKS to @codebeige 🥇 some small notes: “fitted cut” is now “slim-fit”, colour is also a little different. Zimpler already has the invoice and the Tshirts will be delivered to Wooga (contact person there is informed), we should have more than enough tshirts 👍

Workshop Day roles

Issue #178 MCs: @lislis & @pepper-aenn Door people? vsmart will clarify if we need someone to open / close the door speaker contact: @lislis & @DanToml attendee contact: @JohannaCarola @lislis @pepper-aenn childcare contact: @vsmart catering: @pepper-aenn emergency phone person: @vsmart extra volunteers (signing in people, etc.): @JohannaCarola

Spare laptops


Welcome talk

Other Points