clojurebridge-berlin / organization

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How to select attendees? #26

Closed Malwine closed 9 years ago

Malwine commented 9 years ago

@martinklepsch @thatbettina @plexus @nicsnet @andreiursan @jellea

How to select attendees?

Possibility 1: @jellea goes for first-in-first-serve, closing the application now and put others on the waiting list.

Possibility 2: @malwine goes for doing it like the RailsGirls and keep the application open until July 1 and select 30 people randomly.

plexus commented 9 years ago

I'm for 2, that way we know what the real interest is, and we have a list of people to contact for a following workshop.

jellea commented 9 years ago

I'd like to close the application asap so we don't leave people in the dark for another 1,5 month and open up a mailing for future events. I don't like when events force you to block a weekend and say sorry one week before. I mean, let's respect the applicant's planning. This also has the effect of probably having a lower no-show-rate. Also, I would rather go for a random selection over the list we have now. Another thing to keep in mind are the t-shirts, we need more time than a week to get all the different sizes probably.

plexus commented 9 years ago

Ok, sure, there's no need to keep it open until the last minute either.

Malwine commented 9 years ago

So I just discussed with @nicsnet and @plexus and we came up with that idea:

plexus commented 9 years ago


nicsnet commented 9 years ago


jellea commented 9 years ago

Sounds good to me! :+1:

plexus commented 9 years ago


Malwine commented 9 years ago

Randomly chosen after the dates we decided.