clojurebridge-berlin / organization

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Signup form #48

Closed plexus closed 8 years ago

plexus commented 8 years ago

I copied the old form and tried to incorporate all the ideas we had to make it better. Feedback or improvements much appreciated!

It's in the ClojureBridge.Berlin google drive

live form is here:

Not everything is translated yet, so I definitely could use some help there. Otherwise we're gonna have some real funny German in there youknowwhatImean :)

thatbettina commented 8 years ago

I would like to edit directly in the form, but it's not shared with me.

Here's my feedback:

Malwine commented 8 years ago

Translation Suggestions:

plexus commented 8 years ago

All the rest needs to be translated but I guess you know ^^

Yes, I do :) I would really like some help from a local with that. I can improvise but you'll have to correct it afterwards anyway. Maybe @lislis or @nicsnet can help? To edit the form I can either invite you to edit the doc, or you can log in to the account. I can text/signal you the password.

plexus commented 8 years ago

These are the translations I need help with

Which of these describes you best?

Beginner You are totally new to programming.

Intermediate, no Clojure You understand programming concepts like functions, loops, classes. You haven't used Clojure before.

Advanced, no Clojure You have done a fair amount of programming, just not yet in Clojure.

Intermediate in Clojure You've played around before with Clojure, maybe you've done a workshop or made something with Quil. You understand the main concepts but need more practice.

Advanced in Clojure You are quite comfortable programming in Clojure, and would maybe even be able to be assist others.

I have read the Code of Conduct, and agree to honor it.

We will make photos during the event, these will be used to promote ClojureBridge on social media, and to represent our organization, for example in conference presentations.

A selection of all photos will be made public as "Creative Commons, Non Commercial, ShareAlike, Attribution", meaning they can be used by anyone for any purpose, as long as it isn't commercial use, as long as the source is mentioned, and as long as any derivative work is made available under these same terms.

License summary:

If you prefer not to be in these photographs, then we will make sure our photographers honor that.

lislis commented 8 years ago

@plexus here you go:

Welche dieser Beschreibungen trifft am ehesten auf dich zu?

Anfängerin Programmieren ist komplett neu für dich.

Fortgeschritte Anfängerin, kein Clojure Du verstehst Programmierkonzepte wie Funktionen, Schleifen und Klassen. Du hast Clojure vorher noch nicht benutzt.

Fortgeschritten, kein Clojure Du hast schon einiges programmiert aber eben noch nicht in Clojure.

Fortgeschrittene Anfängerin in Clojure Du hast schon voher mit Clojure herumgespielt, vielleicht an einem Workshop teilgenommen oder etwas mit Quill gemacht. Du verstehst die Hauptkonzepte aber brauchst mehr Übung.

Fortgeschritten in Clojure Du fühlst dich wohl in Clojure zu programmieren und könntest vielleicht andere unterstützen.

Ich habe den Code of Conduct (die Verhaltensregeln) gelesen und stimme zu diesen (diese) zu respektieren.

Wir werden während der Veranstaltung Fotos machen. Diese werden benutzt um CojureBridge in den sozialen Medien zu bewerben und unsere Organisation, zum Beispiel in Konferenzvorträgen, zu repräsentieren

Eine Auswahl aller Fotos wird unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons, Non Commercial, ShareAlike, Attribution" veröffentlicht. Das bedeutet egal wer kann sie für egal welchen Zweck verwenden solange der Zweck nicht kommerziell ist, die Quelle genannt und solange veränderte Versionen unter genau denselben Bedingungen veröffentlicht werden.

Zusammenfassung der Lizenz:

Falls du es vorziehst nicht auf diesen Fotos zu sein dann werden wir sicher stellen dass unsere Fotografen das respektieren.

plexus commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much @lislis :heart_eyes: !

plexus commented 8 years ago

Alright folks, I think this is ready. Shall we start sharing it?

thatbettina commented 8 years ago


*edited to remove personal data

Malwine commented 8 years ago

@plexus and all. Last year I was more for the Berlin Code of Conduct. I think it is better than the Bridge Foundry one.

Malwine commented 8 years ago

I put some commas in the form. :smile_cat:

Malwine commented 8 years ago

Another point for the Berlin Code of Coduct is that it is translated to various languages. Including DE and ENG.

plexus commented 8 years ago

Ok, that's a very good point. We can swap it out.

thatbettina commented 8 years ago

Closing this issue since even the forms are now closed.