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Sponsoring #76

Closed plexus closed 8 years ago

plexus commented 8 years ago

Potential sponsor. Box ticked == has been contacted --> put your name after the company name in parens. strike through == out bold == accepted

Realtin commented 8 years ago
plexus commented 8 years ago

This page is now up to date, so you can point sponsors there.

vsmart commented 8 years ago

Got in touch with

Realtin commented 8 years ago

Got in touch with Futurice

plexus commented 8 years ago

Cognitect has confirmed they can pay for the notebooks (€500), making them the official Gold Sponsor :)

I've also contacted BitCrowd and SouncCloud, and followed up with Gitter.

plexus commented 8 years ago

I think we can wrap this up. Not as wildly successful a funding drive as last time, but we also didn't put in as much effort as last time. Looking at the results it should all work out.

We didn't find a Platinum (600) sponsor, but we won't do notebooks or t-shirts so that's roughly the same amount saved.

socksy commented 8 years ago

Apologies for lack of clear communication on this front: Nicola has arranged ClojureBridge Berlin branded notebooks to be sponsored directly by Babbel, as they were willing to order some from their supplier directly, with a budget of 1000€, so she ordered 260. The catch is, because it was arranged so late there was no chance for a test run, and they may not arrive in time (confirmed delivery date is 17th of June, so it's going to be tight at the very least). I don't know whether she's ordering to Babbel's address or Wunderlist, but I imagine to Babbel.

I have also approached Red Pineapple Media mid last week, and was given some hemming and hawing over the minimum price. I'll push again tomorrow, and if we don't have something more concrete by the meeting in the evening let's drop them.

Realtin commented 8 years ago

Also futurice gave 250€.

plexus commented 8 years ago

Wow that's very cool and generous of Babbel! Sorry I had forgotten about Futurice. Seems we're in a good place financially.

Malwine commented 8 years ago

@plexus Can we close this?