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Speakers & Lightning Talks (November) #95

Closed Malwine closed 7 years ago

Malwine commented 7 years ago

This issue collects our Saturday Lightning talk speakers. You can propose speakers here and set them on the confirmed list, once they confirmed.

🅰️ Action point from the retro: Improve speaker briefing concerning usage of conscious language and imagery.

Confirmed speakers

Malwine commented 7 years ago

Btw, I just opened the issue because I met Claudina and Kriesse the other day. Please feel welcome to take over the topic (as I won't) and continue however you want 😊

Realtin commented 7 years ago
vsmart commented 7 years ago

Good news! I invited my colleague Jenny (twojing on Twitter) who is an amazing human & has speaking experience, and she's interested and will give a talk ✨

Realtin commented 7 years ago

Great! everyone I talked to yet has turned me down :( @vsmart you know the Topic of the Talk?

Malwine commented 7 years ago

@Realtin Don't be sad, dear! We'll figure it out. ❤️ I asked Claudina and Kriesse again and am waiting for their answer. And I might set myself on the list. Topic might be different technologies overview or growth/fixed mindset. Whatever fits better with the other speakers.

Malwine commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately Kriesse is out due to holidays but she recommended another speaker. I wrote a message and cc'd you, @Realtin

vsmart commented 7 years ago

I've invited Ellen to give a talk on the learning group.

Update: Ellen confirmed 🎉 but we're looking for a second person to do the talk in German and English

jellea commented 7 years ago

I'm happy to handover my links for the 10 awesome things with Clojure talk if lack of content/idea/preperation time is the reason for not giving a talk ;)

Malwine commented 7 years ago

Laura from RailsGirls would give a talk. I sold my soul for it.

vsmart commented 7 years ago

hahaha @Malwine. Great 👏 Can I add her to the confirmed speaker list? (at the top)

vsmart commented 7 years ago

@Realtin did you hear back from Jordan whether she will make it? :)

vsmart commented 7 years ago

I've made some updates to the speaker prep email here and prepared a speaker sign up form. will send out tomorrow, any comments welcome. :)

Realtin commented 7 years ago

yes she is booking her travel now

vsmart commented 7 years ago

much success with the speakers ✨ i left a doc here: