A Clojure Memcached client (also: Couchbase, Kestrel). Built on top of SpyMemcached, supports ASCII and binary protocols, strives to be 100% feature complete.
The readme mentions relying on the couchbase maven repo for recent releases, but 2.11.4 (and up to 2.12.0) appears to be available on Maven Central now.
Could clear up the need to add this repo downstream projects.
The readme mentions relying on the couchbase maven repo for recent releases, but 2.11.4 (and up to 2.12.0) appears to be available on Maven Central now.
Could clear up the need to add this repo downstream projects.
Reference: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Cnet.spy%7Cspymemcached%7C2.11.4%7Cjar