clojurewerkz / spyglass

A Clojure Memcached client (also: Couchbase, Kestrel). Built on top of SpyMemcached, supports ASCII and binary protocols, strives to be 100% feature complete.
67 stars 16 forks source link

Updated dependencies #22

Closed timgluz closed 8 years ago

timgluz commented 8 years ago


I hit into problem on EC2: Spyglass client lost connection to ElasticCache and reconnection took too long and failed with exception - i did some google-fu and found this issue is now fixed in 2.12.0, according to this CouchBase codereview tool

My changes:

I'm going test my changes on my services to see did my updates fixed this re-connection issue, that means i'm not very big hurry to get next release out, but it would nice to get some feedback to my pull request if there's something to make it better;

michaelklishin commented 8 years ago

Looks reasonable.