clojurewerkz / spyglass

A Clojure Memcached client (also: Couchbase, Kestrel). Built on top of SpyMemcached, supports ASCII and binary protocols, strives to be 100% feature complete.
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Record can be set but return nil in get #30

Closed kafaichoi closed 7 years ago

kafaichoi commented 7 years ago

Great Library! Thx every contributor.

Is setting record not supported yet?

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (let [tmc (c/text-connection "")
          amy (Person. "amy" "chou" "HK")
          _   (c/set tmc "a-key" 300 amy)
         val (c/get tmc "a-key")]
; val will be nil.
michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

You should be able to serialise anything but some things will require a custom transcoder.