clone45 / voxglitch

Modules for VCV Rack
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Digital Sequencer expander (scene editor) #92

Open firolightfog opened 2 years ago

firolightfog commented 2 years ago

Dear Bret, The Digital Sequencer looks clean and simple. It fits very well into any patch. But I'd like to propose an expander module that assists programming of a specific usage of the module.


The knob on the top allows you to select a step (1-32). The six buttons would allow you to modify the relevant gates (ON/OFF) of the six sequences. The six knobs would similarly allow you to set the target CV for that step/scene.

The playback is the same as now. (I'll try to create a short video to demonstrate.) It practically allows creation of upto 32 scenes. But the editing/programming part would be much simpler with this expander.

Best regards, Andras

clone45 commented 2 years ago

Hi Andras,

I'm not quite understanding the functionality that you're suggesting. Have you considered using the 8-Face module to save and load scenes? ( I find that it does a great job.

firolightfog commented 2 years ago


I'm specifically talking about 'scene programming'. Firstly 8FACE is limited to a single module. 8FACE mk2 is more interesting but probably Bidoo Moire is the best in this field. I'm playing with Moire recently and actually I think it's great. But I feel that with a single expander like DSX-1 even your Digital Sequencer could easily excel here.

To compare Moire and Digital Sequencer (&DSX-1) I think there are a few distinct advantages to be highlighted:

  1. your great Digital Sequencer can manage 32 scenes (Moire can 16 scenes, 8FACE can 8 or 16 scenes)
  2. Digital Sequencer can provide an excellent overview per scene (DSX-1) as well as per parameters using the current bar window (Moire can show by scene only, 8FACE provides no overview at all)
  3. after defining scenes in Digital Sequencer it is easy to jump between them with different speed due to the individual STEP input per tracks (no way to do that in Moire or 8FACE)
  4. Digital Sequencer could easily and naturally handle different number of scenes for the different parameters due to LEN knobs (completely unknown concept for 8FACE and Moire)
  5. with a single settings change you can easily change the output range for any of the six parameters retroactively (impossible in 8FACE, limited UNI/BI option in Moire)

Obviously there are other fields DSX-1 will not make your Digital Sequence competitive:

I know that you have limited time and you need to set your priorities wisely. This may not seem to be the most bombastic proposal but I think it's a 'low hanging fruit'. I hope that my proposal shows at least the great potential your Digital Sequencer beholds.

I believe that using an external expander would allow you not to touch the Digital Sequencer at all. Practically all settings, options, codes, sequences can stay as they are. The expander just provides 'another view' for the same thing.

Regards, Andras

firolightfog commented 2 years ago

VCV digitalsequencer scene

Instead of a video to demonstrate I just upload a small patch here. Basically there are three FM VCOs playing their tune with different BPM. The Digital Sequencer is in charge of changing the 'scenes'. That means regular change of the FM VCO feedbacks. During a 'scene' the VCOs are working independently. Some plays 2 notes, 3 notes or even 4 notes. But the overall sound is also controlled from scene to scene.

DS is capable of handling this task even now. But to properly design a harmonies we need to see (and to experiment with) the values of a single step of multiple tracks at the same time. The proposed DSX-1 serves exactly this goal.

However it is, you have at least another nice little tune for background music. ;)

Cheers, A.

clone45 commented 2 years ago

OH! Now I understand! I also see why the external editor would be helpful. I'll see what I can do. I haven't been doing much module programming lately though, so I can't make any promises, but I totally understand your need for this. Would it also be helpful to have a CV output and gate output on the expansion module?


(for being able to hear the values you're changing by patching them somewhere)?

clone45 commented 2 years ago

I'm wondering if this should be a stand-along module. I'm really interested in exploring the ability to switch between "play" mode and "edit" mode. Play mode would function like a sequencer. Edit module would output the values on the scene that you're currently editing. Hmm...

clone45 commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the stream of consciousness. One feature that I hope to add that might help in the meantime would be a "freeze" button (and quick-key "f") the stops all sequence playback and has the sequencer always output the values that you're editing. That, along with the existing quick keys for switching sequences (keys 1-6) might achieve what you're looking for.

firolightfog commented 2 years ago

OH! Now I understand! I also see why the external editor would be helpful. I'll see what I can do. I haven't been doing much module programming lately though, so I can't make any promises, but I totally understand your need for this. Would it also be helpful to have a CV output and gate output on the expansion module? (for being able to hear the values you're changing by patching them somewhere)?

No. I think it's perfectly fine if DSX-1 top knob just 'fixes' the relevant step of DS. So if I want to hear what I'm setting for the scene, I just use the regular DS outputs. I'm also concerned about the implications of having these outputs on DSX-1. I.e. you need to plug/unplug your cables after setting the scenes from DSX-1 to DS; you need to provide a way to 'save' current settings back to the DS sequences; etc.

I'm wondering if this should be a stand-along module. I'm really interested in exploring the ability to switch between "play" mode and "edit" mode. Play mode would function like a sequencer. Edit module would output the values on the scene that you're currently editing. Hmm...

I would vote against a stand-alone module. Firstly you'd just recreate Bidoo's Moire. Secondly you had to consider edit/play changes, as well as scene changes.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness. One feature that I hope to add that might help in the meantime would be a "freeze" button (and quick-key "f") the stops all sequence playback and has the sequencer always output the values that you're editing. That, along with the existing quick keys for switching sequences (keys 1-6) might achieve what you're looking for.

I think 'f' would be a wonderful addition. I really like the idea. It is not only useful for scene editing, but for finding CV sweet spots in general.

Best regards, A.

firolightfog commented 2 years ago

I'm really interested in exploring the ability to switch between "play" mode and "edit" mode.

I elegantly skipped commenting this sentence above. But this is something I want to reflect on. It is definitely one of the most exciting points! (Not only for Digital Sequencer but in general for most VCV modules!)

Cheers, A.

firolightfog commented 2 years ago

Dear Bret, I'm not going to withdraw my DSX-1 proposal but I have to admit that scene programming became much easier with Digital Sequencer v1.34.1. The new short keys 'f' & 'g' provide a great assistance! I suggest you to de-prioritize DSX-1 development. Best regards, Andras

clone45 commented 2 years ago

Thanks Andras! I'll see if I can get that done for you at some point. :-) I'm glad that the freeze feature help out! It helps me a great deal as well!

jpnielsen commented 2 years ago

maybe an expander could be used for MIDI mapping - if it has a MIDI-mappable knob for each fader.

clone45 commented 2 years ago

@jpnielsen I really like this idea. Can you walk me through the user-case for needing MIDI control over the faders? I can't quite figure out why you wouldn't just convert the MIDI to CV (using, for example, the VCV MIDI CC to CV module), then route that into your modules. Thanks!!

clone45 commented 2 years ago

Oh, sorry, was this for Digital Sequencer, or Digital Programmer?

jpnielsen commented 2 years ago

I was thinking about the Digital Programmer, so I guess i added to the wrong issue.

With the 16n, I'd want to make a soft-takeover(*) patch or ask someone to make a module with midi-in and soft takeover.

Digital Programmer seems perfect for the on-screen representation of the faders, and saving of presets.

(*) Soft takeover avoids jump of value when the value on your GUI and the value of your midi controller are different. In other words your midi controller take control only when it reaches the value of your GUI

Perhaps a 16-poly in for the slider values is better, to be used with VCV MIDI CC to CV, Stoermelder MIDE-STEP+ PILE, Trowasoft cvOSCcv and others.