clonesec / osDiscover

Web interface for Vulnerability Assessment and Scanning
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not logging in successfully #1

Closed syphon1c closed 12 years ago

syphon1c commented 12 years ago

Hey there,

Followed install to the T. Everything seems to be running, and I have created an OpenVAS user and tried to logon to the web interface...but nothing..seems like the authentication is failing?

johndel commented 12 years ago

Oops thank you for mentioning this! I've forgot as comments two important lines. In the file /config/initializers/devise.rb the lines 197 and 198 should be uncomment (remove the hash symbol (#)).

If this didn't help try the following: Run the script in this page (it should show the 3 first steps as working, so the openVAS administrator, the openVAS manager and the openVAS scanner is working) or lsof -i :9390 to be sure that at least the openVAS manager is up and running.

I'll push the right version again. Thank you for your time! Hope you like it :).

johndel commented 12 years ago

I've just pushed the right version of devise.rb (in the initializers folder). If there is a problem, please inform me to check it out again. Thank you for your feedback.

syphon1c commented 12 years ago

the uncomment worked (:

I really like the project and interface...really something I have been looking for! Keep up the awesome work!

syphon1c commented 12 years ago

not sure if this is another problem when selecting "agents" page breaks

NoMethodError in AgentsController#index

undefined method `belongs_to' for Agent:Class

app/models/agent.rb:13:in <class:Agent>' app/models/agent.rb:1:in<top (required)>' app/controllers/agents_controller.rb:13:in `index'

johndel commented 12 years ago

Indeed it's an issue, I'll check it out and I'll push a fix as soon as possible.

johndel commented 12 years ago

I pushed the right version of Agent model.

Thank you for your feedback! If you have any suggestion about the app we would love to hear it.