clong / DetectionLab

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Win10 Hangs #764

Closed chris546 closed 2 years ago

chris546 commented 2 years ago

Description of the issue: Win10 Hangs


After starting 'Vagrant up win10'

==> win10: Checking if box 'detectionlab/win10' version '1.8' is up to date... ==> win10: Verifying vmnet devices are healthy... ==> win10: Preparing network adapters... WARNING: The VMX file for this box contains a setting that is automatically overwritten by Vagrant WARNING: when started. Vagrant will stop overwriting this setting in an upcoming release which may WARNING: prevent proper networking setup. Below is the detected VMX setting: WARNING: WARNING: ethernet1.pcislotnumber = "33" WARNING: WARNING: If networking fails to properly configure, it may require this VMX setting. It can be manually WARNING: applied via the Vagrantfile: WARNING: WARNING: Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| WARNING: config.vm.provider :vmware_desktop do |vmware| WARNING: vmware.vmx["ethernet1.pcislotnumber"] = "33" WARNING: end WARNING: end WARNING: WARNING: For more information: ==> win10: Fixed port collision for 5985 => 55985. Now on port 2205. ==> win10: Fixed port collision for 5986 => 55986. Now on port 2206. ==> win10: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2207. ==> win10: Starting the VMware VM... ==> win10: Waiting for the VM to receive an address...


It hangs on booting the Win10 machine in VMware. the image above is after several unsuccessful reboot attempts.

I've tried starting in safe mode, but still does not boot.

I've tried vagrant destroy win10 follwed by vagrant up win10

Also manually removing all the Win10 files in the .vargrant file. I've also deleted the win10 files in vagrant.d\boxes.

Win10 hangs every time regardless.

could not find the /DetectionLab/Vagrant/vagrant_up_$host.log file

note the WEF machine is working.

erixemaan commented 2 years ago

Edit the vagrant config lines 210 and 211 from:

  v.memory = 2048
  v.cpus = 1

to this:

  v.memory = 4096
  v.cpus = 2

Essentially the vagrant file is provisioning too little memory.

SaltySmitty commented 2 years ago

Edit the vagrant config lines 210 and 211 from:

  v.memory = 2048
  v.cpus = 1

to this:

  v.memory = 4096
  v.cpus = 2

Essentially the vagrant file is provisioning too little memory.

Thanks! I had the same issue and this fixed it.

chris546 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! this fixed the issue.