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Reconciliation #10

Closed kwheelan closed 2 months ago

kwheelan commented 3 months ago


Create a template for municipalities to show the reconciliation between the statement of net position governmental activities total and the balance sheet for governmental funds.



lucakato commented 3 months ago

Hi @kwheelan thanks for the detailed post. If you could check if I have permissions to push to the repo that would be great (unable to do so rn). I made a draft template so if you could have a look that would be great. I was also wondering whether I was allowed to modify the Label Dropdowns file (it appears to be locked?). The reason why I ask this is because for governmental funds we only have assets and not 'CurrentAssets' or 'NonCurrentAssets'.

kwheelan commented 3 months ago

Just upgraded your write permissions -- let me know if you still have issues. I can take a look at your draft when you push.

To unlock the label dropdowns, you can click on Format > Unprotect Sheet. If it helps, you can assume that everything under that ASSETS header on the balance sheet will be current assets. It's weird naming, but "current" in this setting means short-term and "noncurrent" means long-term. The balance sheet uses modified accrual, so it almost exclusively reports short-term ("current") assets and liabilities.

I'm not sure if you're starting to think about a template for the Balance Sheet, but I wanted to flag that the xbrl tags are going to be a little different than the ones already in the "Label Dropdowns" because of the modified accrual basis. (For example, acfr:CashAndCashEquivalents on the Statement of Net Position is instead acfr:CashAndCashEquivalentsModifiedAccrual on the balance sheet). We can talk more about this tomorrow.

kwheelan commented 3 months ago

This is a great first draft of the Balance Sheet! I thought you would start with the reconciliation tables, so I'm sorry for not giving you more guidance on the Balance Sheet format. I've outlined some tweaks to better fit the expected xbrl format.

When you make these changes, please push to the 10-reconciliation branch. I'm trying to reserve main for reviewed content because it links to the web app.

Some minor edits (mostly XBRL/formatting quirks):

Slightly more involved edits:

Feel free to message me on Slack or comment here if anything is unclear!

lucakato commented 3 months ago

Thanks I will work on it this weekend and see how it goes!

lucakato commented 3 months ago

@kwheelan I tried the reconciliation table too could we go over it tomorrow, please? specifically not sure how to pull in the actual $ values from some other sheet(?)

lucakato commented 3 months ago


lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan in col J of label dropdown tab I figured out the list of labels with 'ModifiedAccrual' that exist in Governmental Fund tab in the Taxonomy spreadsheet. I only copied the names where 'Substitution Group' is marked xbrli:item.

Do you think you could have a quick look at the balance sheet, consolidation sheet, and also the filtered label markdown (col J). If col J looks good I can remove the cols I used to do the filtering and just keep the values of col J somewhere. Thank you.

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your work on this! The Reconciliation Sheet and Balance Sheet look perfect. For the Label Dropdowns, you can actually keep column H rather than column J. We want the xbrl tag to match the name in column B (which it does in column H).

Before you delete your extra columns, could you also identify any non-abstract tags that exist under modified accrual (column J) but not under full accrual (column C). Basically, you would identify any tags in the taxonomy that are not in column C of the Label Dropdowns. So:

  1. Column E can be limited to just xbrl:item tags under the first section of GovernmentalFunds tab of the taxonomy spreadsheet. This is just rows 3-334 under the 300000 - Statement - Governmental Funds Balance Sheet, Other Funds (Unclassified) header. All rows after this section are duplicative or irrelevant, so taking just the first ~330 rows will make your life a little easier than dealing with the full 2000+ tags. (I'm sorry I didn't mention this sooner).
  2. Columns F and J might change after you add the new column E values.
  3. Look for any values in column F that are not in column C.
  4. If you find any values in F but not C, they can become new rows in column H under row 522. Don't worry about filling in the other columns for these new rows.
lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan I just pushed again with col E limited to that tab. Regarding 3. I thought what we wanted to do was find out which labels (which we got by just appending 'ModifiedAcrrual' appear on the Taxonomy spreadsheet? Either way it would be great if we could go through this during our mtg tmrw! Thank you.

lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan I added the check for whether values in col F also exist in col D (the other direction). Seems like a bunch of thing do not exist.

Also, can I remove the item names I copied from taxonomy spreadsheet that don't have 'ModifiedAccrual' at the end? I highlighted them here:

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

Great! Yes, you can remove the highlighted items without "ModifiedAccrual" (they're category names). You can also remove anything with the word "Abstract" in it.

Please add these items you found that are in the taxonomy but don't have a full accrual version beneath the matched tags in column H. You can also add their corresponding labels in column B (the labels are in the Label column in the taxonomy). I will add the right categories in column A after you push.

Then, can you update the formulas in column A of the balance sheet to grab the modified accrual tags in the look up table? Right now, it pulls from column C in Label Dropdowns, but we want it to instead pull the correct tags from the column you just made with ModifiedAccrual tags (now in column H).

Let me know if you have any questions and/or let me know when you push your changes.

lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan Thanks. Just to confirm, when you say

Please add these items you found that are in the taxonomy but don't have a full accrual version beneath the matched tags in column H.

do you mean any row in column I marked as 'Exists', its corresponding cell in column F can be added to column H? So for example I2 is 'exists' so I can copy the value in F2, "acfr:CashCheckingModifiedAccrual" can be added to column H?

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

Yes -- anything that says "Doesn't Exist" in column I can go beneath row 522 in column H. (Although acfr:CashCheckingModifiedAccrual should exist -- it looks like it might have been accidentally deleted from F2).

If it helps, what we're trying to do here is a "full join". Basically, we want to match on the line item label so we have a list of all possible full accrual line items and all possible modified accrual items. If the same item exists in both systems, we want it linked in the same row. We also want to keep rows without matches.

So if we have two tables:

Label Tag (full accrual)
Accounts Receivable acfr:AccountsReceivable
Cash Equivalents acfr:CashEquivalents
Label Tag (modified accrual)
Accounts Receivable acfr:AccountsReceivableModifiedAccrual
Allowance For Income Taxes acfr:AllowanceForIncomeTaxesModifiedAccrual
We'd join them to be one table with 3 columns like this: Label Tag (full accrual) Tag (modified accrual)
Accounts Receivable acfr:AccountsReceivable acfr:AccountsReceivableModifiedAccrual
Cash Equivalents acfr:CashEquivalents
Allowance For Income Taxes acfr:AllowanceForIncomeTaxesModifiedAccrual

If it's easier than using Excel, you can also do this in Python using pandas.

Let me know if anything is still unclear! I know it's a lot of accounting jargon....

lucakato commented 2 months ago
Yes -- anything that says "Doesn't Exist" in column I can go beneath row 522 in column H. (Although acfr:CashCheckingModifiedAccrual should exist -- it looks like it might have been accidentally deleted from F2).

@kwheelan I'm a little confused because column I for acfr:CashSavingsModifiedAccrual says exists I not `doesn't exist' but you still want it to be added to column H?

I'm going to try doing this in Pandas since the Excel is getting a little messy.

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

I was looking at an earlier commit, and your latest push doesn't have this issue, so don't worry about it. Sorry for the confusion!

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

Also @lucakato if you want a break from this Excel stuff, feel free to work on issue #25 and come back to this. The lookup table has become a lot more complicated than I intended

lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan Thanks. I'll prob leave it until the next time we meet because I don't really get how the table is supposed to look, visually.

lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan I modified column H to include ModifiedAccrual tags in the Taxonomy spreadsheet but not in the appended tags. Could you check if it looks good? Which columns would you like me to keep? And what would be a good name to rename column H too?

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

Perfect! You can just keep columns A-C and H and rename H to "Modified Accrual XBRL Tag."

If possible, could you also add the nicely formatted labels in column B for rows 523 through 602? These labels will be in the "GovernmentalFunds" tab of the taxonomy in column A. Or if it's easier, you can just use an Excel function to remove the "acfr:" and add spaces to the entries in H. Let me know you need more clarification.

lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan Thanks I'll add that soon. Is category not needed for rows 523-602?

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

If you feel comfortable categorizing them yourself, feel free! But I think the accounting categories might not be obvious, so I'm happy to add those in myself after you push the rest.

When you're finished, could you commit with a commit message that starts with "#10" to link it to this issue?

lucakato commented 2 months ago

@kwheelan just pushed!

kwheelan commented 2 months ago

Awesome! Thanks for your work on this! Feel free to move to #25 and comment any questions there

lucakato commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I'll close this issue for now.