closup / process-xbrl

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Move app to AWS #63

Closed kwheelan closed 3 hours ago

kwheelan commented 4 weeks ago
lucakato commented 2 weeks ago

@nfitz1 Hi Natalie, are there any things U-M specific things that I need to know to attempt this? I've done a bit of AWS so would like to learn/try it out.

nfitz1 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Luca. This move is most likely on hold for a little bit, I think we're going to be able to stick with Heroku for a little while longer, but I will absolutely loop you in when we are ready to start, so thanks for letting me know you're interested!

lucakato commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds good thanks

nfitz1 commented 1 day ago

New CLOSUP Heroku account created, and app transfered on 6/21/24, this issue should be considered on-hold until further notice

kwheelan commented 3 hours ago

I'm closing this issue for now. It can be re-opened when the web team has the managed AWS environment ready for us to move the app over.