cloud-annotations / docusaurus-openapi

🦕 OpenAPI plugin for generating API reference docs in Docusaurus v2.
MIT License
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bug: hideable for sidebar is not fully supported #243

Open ernado opened 1 year ago

ernado commented 1 year ago


docs: {
  sidebar: {
    hideable: true,


The collapseSidebarButton is displayed incorrectly.

Also, after hiding sidebar, the "unhide" button is not available:


I'm installing docusaurus-openapi like plugin (but I've also tried preset with same results):

  /** @type {import('docusaurus-plugin-openapi').Options} */
    id: 'api',
    path: 'openapi.yml',
    routeBasePath: '/api',
    sidebarCollapsible: false,

It looks like there is no way to disable hideable sidebar only for single plugin.

alexakreizinger commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue, via preset install: it seems like the collapseSidebarButton is transparent, which makes it so you can see the titles of sidebar items "inside" the button. Notably, this doesn't occur to the sidebar located at <>, only the sidebar located at <> (generated by the plugin).

Similarly, the sidebar at <> doesn't generate a scrollbar if the number of expanded categories exceeds the length of the page—the sidebar just keeps expanding and makes the page longer in the process. Again, this doesn't happen on <>.

Normal /docs sidebar (pardon the lorem ipsum, I'm building a docs site that's not yet public!): sidebar1

Incongruent /api sidebar, with (1) transparent button and (2) no scrollbar, even when one should be present: sidebar2