cloud-atlas-ai / obsidian-am

Interoperability between Obsidian and Amazing Marvin
MIT License
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Task addition dialog #18

Closed muness closed 7 months ago

muness commented 7 months ago

Per facebook announcement convo:

Use Case 1) I'm taking notes in Obsidian, let's say in a meeting, and I want to have a task to do something with start, scheduled, due dates. I want to run a "Create Marvin Task" command in Obsidian that pulls up the Categories/Projects from my master list to select from and has me enter the standard Marvin task details including the shorthand like + or @ or ~ and it translates correctly (kind of like what you can do in the subject line when forwarding an email to Marvin address). When I hit enter I have a link to the Marvin deep link task in Obsidian at the cursor spot, and the Marvin task contains an Advanced URI-friendly link back to Obsidian note that drove the task.


judisohn commented 7 months ago

Hi @muness I'm the one you've been chatting with about this on FB... happy to test this via BRAT whenever you're ready for a guinea pig tester. I'm watching the repo or feel free to ping.

judisohn commented 7 months ago

Add link back to Obsidian Note that triggered the addition, perhaps in the note field

Definitely picturing in the note field, as an append. Perhaps app settings in Obsidian could have a template config for the field so a header could be customized?

muness commented 7 months ago

Good progress in #18, linking back in the note is yet tbd, so is inferring the category if a task is created from one.

muness commented 7 months ago

@judisohn - please give a try for task creation from AM will add advanced-uri link back to Obsidian when I get back to this later this week.

judisohn commented 7 months ago

@muness I tried. I downloaded the .zip file from and added it to my .obsidian directory.

CleanShot 2023-12-26 at 08 16 20@2x

I restart Obsidian so I see it, but I get an error when I try and enable it. What did I miss?

judisohn commented 7 months ago

I do notice you're missing a main.js file that other plugins have. Could that be it?

muness commented 7 months ago

@judisohjig if you're not using BRAT you want to grab the file. Sounds like you got the source zip file that github adds automatically.

Updated the README to specify the release zip file.

judisohn commented 7 months ago

Duh @muness - of course. That's what I get for playing with something before my first coffee. Got it and enabled it. Trying it now. :-) Stay tuned for notes and feedback. Thank you!

judisohn commented 7 months ago

@muness Tried it (with API token, not full access token - at least first)

So it would be great if it could detect that a Tasks header already exists and modify it as I can picture running this more than once in my day and things are updated and changed in Marvin. What do you think?

I can also picture the ability to only import tasks that match a given category rather than everything, but this is a good start for now. Thanks!

P.S. I don't see myself needing an entire AmazingMarvin folder in my vault, so I didn't test or use that command.

muness commented 7 months ago

When I marked a task as completed it did not seem to update in Marvin, even after running the import command again

Did you enable the auto mark as done feature in settings? If you did was there an error?

judisohn commented 7 months ago

Yes, I did enable it. And yes, there was an error when I loaded the dev console. Sorry I'm not a developer so I don't know where to get this into a more readable format for you. This error happened when I clicked the "Insert" command a 2nd time after marking one of the first tasks complete (and I got a 2nd Task block)

CleanShot 2023-12-26 at 09 00 33@2x

muness commented 7 months ago

Looks like I should spend time improving the error handling and messages before I add more functionality, thanks for giving it a try.

By the way did you enable the local server? It looks like that error was about not being able to connect to that.

As for updating the Tasks section instead of adding a new one, I agree. There's another issue for overhauling that. Ditto for making formatting configurable (the :: is indeed for Dataview, but not everyone wants that).

judisohn commented 7 months ago

I've tried to enable the local server, but every time I do and go back to it, it's unchecked again. What am I missing? Nothing about this is showing up in the log.

muness commented 7 months ago

Doh, one more thing to fix it sounds like. It sounds like I forgot to persist the local server toggle properly.

judisohn commented 7 months ago

No worries.. let me know when there's a new version to try out. If nothing else, I love that I can get a Marvin task created right from Obsidian while it's on my mind and the link back to the task works great. I know you'll get the rest and you're off to a great start. Happy to be on the journey with you for something so needed (at least so needed by me. :-) )

muness commented 7 months ago
muness commented 7 months ago

Created #24 , #25 , #26 for remaining tasks, closing this issue as it was about the basic task addition functionality.