향후에는 사용자 또는 상위 계층에 의미 있는 SW 정보 제공 방법 등도 고민해봐야겠습니다.
참고: 반환 정보로 제공되는 패키지 정보 예시
"deb": [
"package": "adduser",
"status": "install ok installed",
"priority": "important",
"architecture": "all",
"multi_arch": "foreign",
"maintainer": "Ubuntu Developers \u003cubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com\u003e",
"version": "3.118ubuntu5",
"section": "admin",
"installed_size": 608,
"depends": "passwd, debconf (\u003e= 0.5) | debconf-2.0",
"conffiles": [
"pre_depends": "",
"description": "add and remove users and groups This package includes the 'adduser' and 'deluser' commands for creating and removing users. . - 'adduser' creates new users and groups and adds existing users to existing groups; - 'deluser' removes users and groups and removes users from a given group. . Adding users with 'adduser' is much easier than adding them manually. Adduser will choose appropriate UID and GID values, create a home directory, copy skeletal user configuration, and automate setting initial values for the user's password, real name and so on. . Deluser can back up and remove users' home directories and mail spool or all the files they own on the system. . A custom script can be executed after each of the commands.",
"source": "",
"homepage": ""
"package": "adwaita-icon-theme",
"status": "install ok installed",
"priority": "optional",
"architecture": "all",
"multi_arch": "foreign",
"maintainer": "Ubuntu Developers \u003cubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com\u003e",
"version": "41.0-1ubuntu1",
"section": "gnome",
"installed_size": 5234,
"depends": "hicolor-icon-theme, gtk-update-icon-cache, ubuntu-mono | adwaita-icon-theme-full",
"conffiles": [],
"pre_depends": "",
"description": "default icon theme of GNOME (small subset) This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME desktop. The icons are used in many of the official gnome applications like eog, evince, system monitor, and many more. . This package only contains a small subset of the original GNOME icons which are not provided by the Humanity icon theme, to avoid installing many duplicated icons. Please install adwaita-icon-theme-full if you want the full set.",
"source": "",
"homepage": ""
... 중략 ...
패키지 정보가 1,200여개의 정보가 출력 되고 있습니다.참고: 반환 정보로 제공되는 패키지 정보 예시
참고: 반환 정보로 제공된 패키지 목록 1,246개