cloud-gov / cg-deploy-prometheus

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Possible support access coming from Concourse ? #216

Open ChrisMcGowan opened 6 months ago

ChrisMcGowan commented 6 months ago

Check/verify if the new Concourse Viewer access gives Prometheus/Grafana access

ChrisMcGowan commented 6 months ago

So prometheus is setup to allow any opsuaa authed user to access - we need to scope down that access.

  1. In opsuaa add a new group called prometheus-support with comment Support members access to prometheus here:
  2. Under scope add prometheus-support, concourse.pages, and concourse.admin here:
  3. Deploy opsuaa
  4. In deploy-prometheus add the scope prometheus-support , concourse.pages, and concourse.admin here:
  5. Deploy prometheus
  6. In cg-scripts modify make-pages-ops-admin to addd user to group prometheus-support :
  7. Take the make-ops-viewer script in cg-scripts and make a new script file called make-prometheus-support and replace here with prometheus-support. Remember to run chmod +x on the script before commit to the repo

For testing all this, you can do the following to make sure all the pieces work manually:

ChrisMcGowan commented 5 months ago

This work is on-hold until this ticket is done:
