cloud-gov / cg-ui

for the 2024 18F-supported product UI formerly known as the Stratos Dashboard
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Design an initial usage page for accounts #501

Open chizo-gov opened 1 month ago

chizo-gov commented 1 month ago

We’re creating an design for an organization’s “usage” page, which will show various pieces of data relevant to an organization.

This will be building off the work done in #502.

Can this task be done in one increment?


Acceptance Criteria

beepdotgov commented 2 weeks ago

Added a new title + description for this ticket to track the design work for this increment; @chizo-gov, does this sound okay to you?

beepdotgov commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @hursey013, @sknep — thought I’d check in with the latest version of the org usage page.

(Note: this is still in progress, but I wanted to get the latest version in front of you before I’m OOO tomorrow/Friday.)

Before I dive in: visual feedback is welcome at this stage! At the same time, I think it’d be most helpful to keep discussing whether we’re including the right information here. Put another way: what does a Dashboard user need to see or do on this page?

Okay, enough preamble! Here’s the design (also in Figma):

Organization usage

Here are some highlights:

Phew, that was a lot. I’d love to hear any thoughts you have, and figure out what else we need to include here.

(And feedback’s always welcome here, but I can find time for a sync discussion when I’m back next week. Let me know.)

sknep commented 2 weeks ago

some notes from chatting w/ @jameshochadel about this and looking for opportunities:

down for a chat! i just took rapid notes while noodling ^^

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Thanks, @sknep and @jameshochadel! This is fantastically helpful. Just confirming receipt, but on first read I have a couple quick notes/questions:

unsure where the historic data/averages are coming from, perhaps the events api?

That’s something we’re investigating for technical feasibility. (Sorry, I should have noted that — thanks so much for flagging.)

some things might not be quota out of a max

Just to make sure I’m following: does this apply to everything that’s currently under the “Addons” section up above?

(Related: if there’s a list of services/features that are simply “how much you’re using”, that’d be really helpful.)

I think that’s all for now. Everything else looks stellar, but I’ll follow up with questions. (And thanks for the offer of a chat; I think that’ll be a likely next step.)

(@hursey013, holler if you have any thoughts on the above!)

jameshochadel commented 1 week ago

@beepdotgov I can clarify the point about quotas. All of the metrics shown in the design have soft quotas in the IAA, but can't be shown as quotas in the web UI because the values in the IAA are not stored in a machine-readable format anywhere. (IAAs are ~PDFs.) Showing them as you did in the design would be ideal because, as I understand it, our target user wants to know how their usage compares to their agreement. But unfortunately the data isn't there (yet).

Why "soft" quotas? In practice, sometimes customers temporarily use more resources on some dimension than is specified in the IAA. As long as they have enough funding on the IAA to support this — or as long as they plan to add more to cover the difference — that's ok. The most common dimension for which this happens is memory. It's a manual process involving emails to our business & support teams.

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

@jameshochadel, thank you very much for the insight. I’ve been wondering when/if we’d run up against which IAA values were programmatically accessible, so I’m really glad you weighed in. Given that, I might recommend we refocus this design on what is currently available to us in a machine-readable format.

If that sounds like the right approach — and I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on this! — I have two questions:

  1. Is it safe to say that everything under “Addons” in the current mockup can’t currently be shown in a web UI?
  2. Are there any other pieces of information on the current mockup that can’t currently be shown in a web UI? (I tried to work off Eleni’s work in #497, but I should double-check I didn’t introduce any errors.)

Let me know what you folks think. And thank you again for the clear direction here, it’s been incredibly helpful!

jameshochadel commented 1 week ago

@beepdotgov Of course!

  1. My two cents: We can display the numerator but not the denominator. I.e. we can show the X from each X/Y. That still seems useful to me; we're giving the billing persona one place to see all of their billable usage. To enumerate each metric in the mockup:
    1. S3 storage: This is a CloudWatch metric we'd have to expose to the UI via a backend somehow. Not available via CAPI.
    2. RDS disk usage: Also a CloudWatch metric, or something similar from AWS. Not available via CAPI.
    3. Number of redis nodes: Available in CAPI. This also applies to ElasticSearch nodes. Note that we will need to report the plan type as well. 5 nodes of the small plan != 5 nodes of the medium plan. So the hierarchy is 1 service offering -- many service plans, and each service plan corresponds to a number of nodes. (Details on
  2. The historical data is likely not available. I think we'll have to scrape and store it ourselves if we want to show that. Memory usage (not quota) is available as a Prometheus metric, but similar to CloudWatch metrics, a backend service will have to aggregate that, since Prometheus is not exposed to users. Current memory quota is available, based on the audit events docs, we don't think a history is.
beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

James, thank you again. This is such a huge help.

Questions/comments inline below:

We can display the numerator but not the denominator. I.e. we can show the X from each X/Y.

Just to clarify: this applies to just the items under Addons, correct? Or do we need to drop denominators elsewhere on the page?

To enumerate each metric in the mockup: [snip]

Thanks so much for walking me through this. For S3 and RDS, I think there’s an engineering/LoE discussion to be had here, at least in terms of what we want to invest in for a v1 of this page. I’ll sync up with @echappen to see how best to manage that.

(@hursey013, if you have any thoughts on priorities here, let me know!)

Note that we will need to report the plan type as well.

If you happen to know: is the plan type accessible via an API?

The historical data is likely not available. I think we'll have to scrape and store it ourselves if we want to show that.

That was our sense too — thanks for confirming it. (And again, apologies for not flagging that earlier!)

jameshochadel commented 1 week ago

Happy to help.

Just to clarify: this applies to just the items under Addons, correct?

Correct. The memory quota is in CAPI, as are the other quotas listed in the box on the right-hand side. The full list is here.

For S3 and RDS, I think there’s an engineering/LoE discussion to be had here

Agreed — happy to weigh in on that if you'd like.

is the plan type accessible via an API?

Yep! I should've used more precise language, but the relevant endpoints are service offerings, service plans, and service instances.

As an example of each: might provide a service offering called "RDS (Relational Database Service)". It could have plans like postgres-small, postgres-large, mysql-small, mysql-large. A customer creates one or more service instances called whatever they want (my-database, my-other-db), each of which is associated with exactly one plan.

Service instances can be further configured with individual parameters. Typically, configuration that results in differences in billing gets broken out into different plans, and non-billing configuration is handled as parameters. (In our case, we don't currently bill for RDS instances — only their storage — but that's the general pattern.)

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Okay! Thanks to @jameshochadel’s help, I got a lot more clarity on some of the API nuances at play here, which helped unlock me on the design revisions. Which are: right here! (Also in Figma, always in Figma)

Organization usage

A couple questions as we talk through this second round:

  1. First and foremost: does this feel like it better represents information that’s programmatically accessible to us?
    • (As discussed, the obvious exceptions here are S3 storage, RDS disk usage, and the “memory allocation over time” chart, all of which would need some feasibility review before we can proceed. But if anything else feels off, API-wise, please let me know!)
  2. I really want to make sure the underlying content/data is right, but: please keep the visual feedback coming! Does the hierarchy feel right? Any elements you’d like weighted differently?
  3. What other information would we need on this page for a v1?

Thanks again for all the input, all. I’m really looking forward to hearing your feedback on this latest version.

sknep commented 1 week ago

Can I ask for one alternate, which takes the top left box and makes it larger/gives more weight? It feels very orienting, like an overview. I'd be curious what bumping up the size/impact would do, leaving the usage graphs/stats in the regular sized card/islands.

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Oh, great call @sknep — thank you!

Here’s a (very) quick riff where I tweaked the type and content to make it stand out a bit more; if you’d like the entire card wider / more prominent, I’ll play around with some layout options. Let me know!

Organization usage(1)
beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Okay! How’s this feel to you, @sknep? I quite like the new placement; I think that orienting block is a really great idea. Would love to hear what you think, though:

Organization usage(2)
sknep commented 1 week ago

Oh I think you know the answer. ✨🎉

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Marvelous news, thanks @sknep! So glad it’s shaping up nicely.

One thing came up in discussion with @echappen and @hursey013 today: the treatment of allocated memory could use some refinement. (The progress bar treatment’s a little unclear, and also presents things as an error.) We wondered if a pie chart might be a better approach, like so:

section card

(That’s just the revised card; the entire thing’s viewable in context in Figma.)

How does that feel to folks?

sknep commented 1 week ago

You might consider some pattern backgrounds to differentiate beyond just the colors. They all seem of a similar amount of light and dark, so people who can't differentiate reds or blues and greens might struggle to match the segments to the legend.

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

So glad you flagged that, @sknep — thank you! I was trying to treat the chart’s as an enhancement to the table, which has all of the info the user’ll need. But I’ll do another pass on the chart, and play with a few other values.

(Also! I did run the chart through a few different (simulated!) models for color vision deficiency, and things hold up fairly well. But there are definitely a few areas where the contrast needs tweaking; thanks again for calling this out.)

Screenshots tritanopia protanomaly deuteranomaly deuteranopia
beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Okay! Here’s a tweaked pie chart, with some updated colors:

section card

I think these colors are much better, contrast-wise, and they seem to perform a lot better in these simulations:

Screenshots Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 02 52 PM Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 03 15 PM Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 03 18 PM Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 03 23 PM Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 03 25 PM Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 03 28 PM Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12 03 34 PM

(Of course, these are just simulations; I’d love to see how well these perform for our users. And once we get to implementation, I’ll make sure we’ve got a few other colors to cycle through for the chart.)

But! How do these feel to you, @sknep? And thanks again for raising this!

sknep commented 1 week ago

Thank you! Appreciate you bringing receipts 😁

beepdotgov commented 1 week ago

Hey, I gotta show my work! Thanks for moving this forward, @sknep 🚀

@hursey013 @jameshochadel, would love any thoughts you might have too! Here’s the latest mockup (also in Figma):

Organization usage

Visual feedback’s very welcome, but/and if there are any product/data/API considerations we should talk through, I’d love to hear them.

Thanks all!

hursey013 commented 5 days ago

First off, let me just say how wonderful this looks! The information being presented here will allow folks to quickly assess the status of their org in one place, something that they cannot easily do today. I especially love the inline calls to action for support for things like increasing memory, it's simple enough but allows customers an immediate prompt for where they need to go if they need help.

It's already been covered above, but the pie chart looks great and adds a great visual representation of memory, one of the primary levers customers can adjust within their org. Thank you @sknep for your feedback on colors, I think where we landed looks great. Similarly, the ability to see both allocation and current usage within the same page provides some instant feedback on how close customers may be to hitting their threshold and where they might be able to make some changes.

During the feasibility review I think we can evaluate the sources from which we may be able to pull: historical data, IAA expiration, and support hour information. Off the top of my head I'm not sure if that information is readily available, but it warrants a deeper dive based on the value that information provides.

I think my only actionable feedback on the design based above would be in reference to the Additional Services. Right now in the mockup there is one of each type of service represented, but in practice an org my have dozens or more of each of those services. There could be 10 S3 buckets in multiple spaces like dev, staging, and prod. Would the expectation be that these values (current usage) would be the sum of all of those S3 buckets or might there be a way to give a bit more insight into how that storage is allocated across all of the buckets? Perhaps using a similar approach to the At a Glance section where we specify how many of each of those services exist? Something like, "Currently there is 4TB of usage across 12 S3 buckets, within 3 spaces"? I defer to you on the best way to present that information, but I do want to make sure we have the ability to represent the usage/status of what could be an unlimited number of brokered services such as s3 storage, various types of databases, and external domains.

Again, this looks beautiful @beepdotgov, amazing work!

beepdotgov commented 5 days ago

@hursey013, thank you for the feedback. This is massively helpful! And I’m thrilled you’re happy with the progress.

(Responses inline below.)

During the feasibility review I think we can evaluate the sources from which we may be able to pull: historical data, IAA expiration, and support hour information. Off the top of my head I'm not sure if that information is readily available, but it warrants a deeper dive based on the value that information provides.

Thanks so much for noting that, and absolutely agreed. If any of those items aren’t programmatically available today, it might make sense to parcel out “now” vs “later” versions of the design, like we did for the welcome mat.

(I was already thinking the “View more detailed information »” link would be on that “later” version, as it’d require a page we’re not building yet.)

I think my only actionable feedback on the design based above would be in reference to the Additional Services. Right now in the mockup there is one of each type of service represented, but in practice an org my have dozens or more of each of those services. There could be 10 S3 buckets in multiple spaces like dev, staging, and prod. Would the expectation be that these values (current usage) would be the sum of all of those S3 buckets or might there be a way to give a bit more insight into how that storage is allocated across all of the buckets?

I’m very glad you called this out! I was thinking of it as the former: that this would be the sum of all (e.g.) S3 buckets. But if we need a little more detail at this level, we can work on adding it here.

Perhaps using a similar approach to the At a Glance section where we specify how many of each of those services exist? Something like, "Currently there is 4TB of usage across 12 S3 buckets, within 3 spaces"?

I like that suggestion. I’ll start tinkering with that, and try to get some ideas in front of you tomorrow.

beepdotgov commented 4 days ago

Okay! I’ve spent the morning tinkering, but ultimately landed on a fairly straightforward approach: namely, adding @hursey013’s suggested text to each of the brokered service cards at the bottom of the page. And I think it works well!

Organization usage

(Also viewable in Figma.)

Per James’ notes, some of these cards will need a technical feasability review to decide if they’re ready for version 1 of the usage page, or a later version. (But again, I’d be happy to prep “now” and “future” mockups for this page.)

Let me know how this looks to you, @hursey013!