Customer reported autorefresh not working after button was removed. Able to reproduce the build status failing to update if the status change occurs while tabbed away (browser window lacks focus). Status does not update when returning to the build history page, so autorefresh seems broken, and without the button, the customer must actually refresh the page to see new status.
Alt-tabbing away or opening a new window while a build finishes is a normal/predictable behavior, but the refreshing pausing silently is not (at least to customers).
see changes here:
Customer reported autorefresh not working after button was removed. Able to reproduce the build status failing to update if the status change occurs while tabbed away (browser window lacks focus). Status does not update when returning to the build history page, so autorefresh seems broken, and without the button, the customer must actually refresh the page to see new status.
Alt-tabbing away or opening a new window while a build finishes is a normal/predictable behavior, but the refreshing pausing silently is not (at least to customers).