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[KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024] What Agent to Trust with Your K8s: Falco, Tetragon or KubeArmor? #123

Open ssst0n3 opened 12 hours ago

ssst0n3 commented 12 hours ago
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🌟 What Agent to Trust with Your K8s: Falco, Tetragon or KubeArmor? Henrik Rexed video
在 CNCF 领域,我们有很多基于 ebpf 的安全解决方案,可以帮助我们保护 k8s 集群免受运行时漏洞的影响。不过,从纸面上看,Falco、Tetragon 和 KubeArmor 看起来非常相似。最终,您必须选择最适合您的需求。为了给您提供更多见解以做出决策,请加入此会话。我们已经针对这三种解决方案进行了广泛的基准测试,并将回答测试中得出的以下问题:- 有哪些不同的功能集?- 每个代理的性能影响如何?- 每个解决方案需要哪些权限?- 这三个选项的优缺点是什么?
ssst0n3 commented 12 hours ago

tags: kubecon,k8s,ebpf,Falco,Tetragon,KubeArmor author: ssst0n3 spec: v0.1.1 version: v0.1.0

[KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024] What Agent to Trust with Your K8s: Falco, Tetragon or KubeArmor?

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  1. Have the option to create a policy filtering the events
  2. Have Predefined Rules
  3. Be able to react

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