cloud-native-toolkit / planning

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Verify install of Toolkit on top of cluster that already has ICP4A installed #253

Closed seansund closed 4 years ago

lsteck commented 4 years ago

@seansund I'm having problems installing the CP4A onto my OCP4 cluster on the installation screen ( My cluster name: openshift-lds-test-cluster doesn't show up in the "Red Hat OpenShift cluster" drop-down. I can see all the other clusters in the account so I'm wondering if it is due to the fact that my cluster was created on VPC infrastructure. I can't create a Classic Infrastructure cluster so I was wondering if you could create one using the Classic Infrastructure via the Web Console, not the toolkit, for me so I can move past this. I did post a slack message and opened a ticket: CS1834235

lsteck commented 4 years ago

OK, I created a cluster using classic infrastructure and it shows up in drop-down list. I'll use it to test with.

lsteck commented 4 years ago

I was having the following issue with the installation yesterday. I saw that iteration-zero was updated this morning and I just ran it and it worked!

module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace: Provisioning with 'local-exec'...
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace (local-exec): Executing: ["/bin/sh" "-c" ".terraform/modules/dev_cluster/cloud-managed/cluster/ibmcloud/scripts/ garage-dev-tools us-east /home/devops/src/workspaces/openshift-lds-classic-cluster/.tmp/registry_url.val"][0]: Refreshing state... Refreshing state...
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace (local-exec): The region is set to 'us-south', the registry is ''.

module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace (local-exec): OK
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace (local-exec): Checking registry namespace: garage-dev-tools
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace (local-exec): Registry namespace garage-dev-tools found.
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.create_registry_namespace (local-exec): .terraform/modules/dev_cluster/cloud-managed/cluster/ibmcloud/scripts/ line 41: /home/devops/src/workspaces/openshift-lds-classic-cluster/.tmp/registry_url.val: No such file or directory

module.dev_cluster.null_resource.get_cluster_version: Creating...
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.get_cluster_version: Provisioning with 'local-exec'...
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.get_cluster_version (local-exec): Executing: ["/bin/sh" "-c" "ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} | grep \"Version\" | sed -E \"s/Version: +(.*)$/\\1/g ; s/^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*/\\1/g\" | xargs echo -n > ${FILE}"]
module.dev_cluster.null_resource.get_cluster_version (local-exec): /bin/sh: /home/devops/src/workspaces/openshift-lds-classic-cluster/.tmp/cluster_version.val: No such file or directory

Error: Error running command 'ibmcloud ks cluster get --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} | grep "Version" | sed -E "s/Version: +(.*)$/\1/g ; s/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/g" | xargs echo -n > ${FILE}': exit status 1. Output: /bin/sh: /home/devops/src/workspaces/openshift-lds-classic-cluster/.tmp/cluster_version.val: No such file or directory
lsteck commented 4 years ago

FYI Here is the response I received on my ticket CS1834235

Hello Larry, thank you for contacting IBM Cloud Support. My name is Matt and I'll be assisting with this issue.

Thank you for providing the details of your situation, currently RedHat OpenShift on VPC is not Generally Available (GA) and as it isn't GA, Cloud Paks for ROKS on VPC is also not GA. Please try deploying this cluster in the Public Cloud in order to install the Cloud Pak for Applications. I apologize for the inconvenience of this, but since OpenShift on VPC isn't GA, we cannot provide support for issues with it. If you do need assistance with this  cluster in VPC, please try the Slack channel #iks-openshift-users.

IBM Cloud Support.