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Map keys <--> set compatibility #43

Open cloudRoutine opened 7 years ago

cloudRoutine commented 7 years ago

Map keys <--> set compatibility [12488550]

Submitted by mikero on 2/26/2016 12:00:00 AM
[ 2 votes ]

A map's key collection is a set and should be treatable as such. Currently (AFAIK) you must get the keys from the map like so: let keys = Map.toSeq >> fst then create a set from the (k,v) seq: let set1 = keys map1 |> Set.ofSeq and then perform your set operation: let common = Set.intersect set1 set2 This involves creating a temporary collection and a new set. There are several ways to improve things: (1) Provide a Map.toKeySet & Set.ofMapKeys functions that will directly and efficiently create a new set from the Map's keys. This is straightforward and should be done, but will create a new set, which may not always be warranted. (2) Provide a functions that treat the Map's key as a set, exposing some/all of the set operations - at least intersect/difference. For example: Map.keySetIntersect & Map.keysetDifference, or using a nested name Map.keySet.intersect, etc. (3) Provide set-like functions that work on Maps and produce new Maps. Map.difference and Map.intersect. (Note map intersect would be Map<k,v> -> Map<k,v> -> Map<k,v*v> ) Each of these has it's own use case.