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Code robustness: Types with ranges of admissible values (from Ada 2012) #60

Open cloudRoutine opened 7 years ago

cloudRoutine commented 7 years ago

Code robustness: Types with ranges of admissible values (from Ada 2012) [12802701]

Submitted by Alexei Odeychuk on 3/4/2016 12:00:00 AM
[ 5 votes ]

I suggest introducing an aspect that can be applied to declarations of enumeration types, discriminated union types and user-defined numeric types with the aim of specifying the range of admissible values for subtypes derived from base types easily. This suggestion is an extension of my previous suggestions: 1) Types with predicates to create subtypes easily (from Ada 2012); 2) Types with default initial values specified (from Ada 2012). Please see them for more details: 1) /archive/suggestion-12564486-types-with-predicates-to-create-subtypes-easily-f 2) /archive/suggestion-12800967-types-with-default-initial-values-specified-from Example # 1. Type with range of admissible values specified. type scores = int range 1 .. 100 // admissible values: 1, 2, 3 .. 100 The aspect should be checked (checks for admissible values should be generated in compiled code by the F# compiler and performed) whenever an object of the type is default initialized, on assignments, on type casts, on parameter passing, in the match expressions and so on. Example # 2: Type with range of admissible values and default initial value. type rating = | A | B | C | D | E | F type goodRating = rating range A .. C default A Example # 3: Type with range of admissible values, default initial value and subtype predicate. // admissible values of the type: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 .. 100 Syntax version # 1: type Even = int range 0 .. 100 default 0 with function | n when n % 2 = 0 -> true | -> false or Syntax version # 2 (both versions may be acceptable): type Even = int range 0 .. 100 with default 0 and function | n when n % 2 = 0 -> true | -> false This feature would be exceptionally useful when paired with units of measure. Example # 4: Type with unit of measure, range of admissible values, and default initial value. [] type celsius Syntax version # 1: type temperature = float range -80.0<_> .. 60.0<_> default 0.0<_> or Syntax version # 2 (both versions may be acceptable): type temperature = float range -80.0 .. 60.0 default 0.0 This change in the F# language syntax will not affect existing codebase. It requires introducing a new keyword: range. I think this syntax will help represent a programmer's intents in code and improve code robustness and expressiveness of the F# language.