cloudbase / cloudbase-init

Cross-platform instance initialization
Apache License 2.0
408 stars 149 forks source link

network configuration (v1) does not work with v1.1.5 and newer #147

Open derSchweiger opened 3 weeks ago

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago


it seems that since the release of stable Cloudbase-Init v1.1.5, the network configuration can no longer be set properly. There is no error message, instead cloudbase-init assumes that we are not injecting a network configuration: [-] Network configuration is empty

Injected network config:

- mac_address: 6a:bb:c3:2f:d3:22
  name: eth0
  - address:
    type: static
  type: physical
version: 1

cloudbase-init logs:

2024-06-21 08:32:25.772 4564 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Respawning current process with updated credentials.
2024-06-21 08:32:26.647 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Cloudbase-Init version: 1.1.6.dev13
2024-06-21 08:32:27.522 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'PRE_NETWORKING':
2024-06-21 08:32:27.522 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'PRE_METADATA_DISCOVERY':
2024-06-21 08:32:27.522 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'MTUPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:27.647 5264 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "config_drive_raw_hhd" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "raw_hdd" from group "config_drive".
2024-06-21 08:32:27.647 5264 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "raw_hdd" from group "config_drive" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2024-06-21 08:32:27.662 5264 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "config_drive_cdrom" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "cdrom" from group "config_drive".
2024-06-21 08:32:27.662 5264 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "cdrom" from group "config_drive" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2024-06-21 08:32:27.662 5264 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "config_drive_vfat" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "vfat" from group "config_drive".
2024-06-21 08:32:27.662 5264 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "vfat" from group "config_drive" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2024-06-21 08:32:27.678 5264 WARNING [-] ISO extraction failed on <Partition: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Harddisk1\Partition1> with WindowsCloudbaseInitException("Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'"): cloudbaseinit.exception.WindowsCloudbaseInitException: Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.022 5264 WARNING [-] ISO extraction failed on <Partition: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Harddisk1\Partition2> with WindowsCloudbaseInitException("Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'"): cloudbaseinit.exception.WindowsCloudbaseInitException: Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.147 5264 INFO [-] Config Drive found on disk '\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.225 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Metadata service loaded: 'NoCloudConfigDriveXService'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.272 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'MAIN':
2024-06-21 08:32:28.272 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'ExtendVolumesPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.912 5264 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Could not import comtypes.gen, trying to create it.
2024-06-21 08:32:28.912 5264 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Created comtypes.gen directory: 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.912 5264 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Writing file: 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen\'
2024-06-21 08:32:28.928 5264 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Using writeable comtypes cache directory: 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen'
2024-06-21 08:32:30.491 5264 INFO [-] Extending volume "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume2" with 19327352832 bytes
2024-06-21 08:32:30.537 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'CreateUserPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:30.553 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.createuser [-] Setting password for existing user "Administrator"
2024-06-21 08:32:34.989 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'SetUserPasswordPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:34.989 5264 WARNING cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Using admin_pass metadata user password. Consider changing it as soon as possible
2024-06-21 08:32:35.037 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Password succesfully updated for user Administrator
2024-06-21 08:32:35.037 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Cannot set the password in the metadata as it is not supported by this service
2024-06-21 08:32:35.037 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'LocalScriptsPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:48.561 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.fileexecutils [-] Script "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\LocalScripts\CleanupWinRMSettings.ps1" ended with exit code: 0
2024-06-21 08:32:48.561 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'NetworkConfigPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:48.561 5264 WARNING [-] Network configuration is empty
2024-06-21 08:32:48.561 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'WindowsAutoUpdatesPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:48.561 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'UserDataPlugin'
2024-06-21 08:32:48.687 5264 ERROR cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.userdataplugins.cloudconfig [-] Could not process part type <class 'bytes'>: 'Empty yaml stream provided.': cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.userdataplugins.cloudconfig.CloudConfigError: Empty yaml stream provided.
2024-06-21 08:32:48.687 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugins execution done
2024-06-21 08:32:48.687 5264 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Stopping Cloudbase-Init service

Same issue on the newest unstable build v.1.1.6dev13. The last build I'm aware of where the injection of the network configuration works is 1.1.5dev11. Something has changed since then.

If you need any further information, please let me know.

ader1990 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @derSchweiger,

I see in the logs a NoCloudConfigDriveXService, which is not present in the upstream cloudbase-init code. If you use a fork with another metadata service, you might want to check, as there might be some code you need to change to make it work again?

Thanks and please let me know how I can reproduce the issue if you use a custom metadata service.

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @ader1990,

thank you! You are right, we had to implement a minor change because the configuration of the Administrator password didn't work properly:

from .nocloudservice import NoCloudConfigDriveService

class NoCloudConfigDriveXService(NoCloudConfigDriveService):
    def get_admin_password(self):
        meta_data = self._get_meta_data()
        meta = meta_data.get('meta')

        if meta and 'admin_pass' in meta:
            password = meta['admin_pass']
        elif 'admin_pass' in meta_data:
            password = meta_data['admin_pass']
            password = None

        return password

To load our modified NoCloudConfigDriveService service instead of the default one, we have slightly adapted the cloudbase-init[-unattend].conf:

The rest (including the network configuration) stays the same. In my opinion, this should not be the cause of the problem mentioned?

Appreciate your help!

ader1990 commented 3 weeks ago

I think this commit needs to be investigated:

Can you please provide the full meta_data file from your config drive, so that I can try to reproduce the issue?

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, it also fits in terms of time. Cloudbase-Init v1.1.5dev11 (in which the network config works) has been released before this commit.

Metadata as requested (needed to remove some unreadable chars):


From nobody Fri Jun 09:19:04 2024
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============171895434496808=="
MIME-Version: 1.0

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="userdata.yaml"

{  }

- mac_address: 6a:bb:c3:2f:d3:22
  name: eth0
  - address:
    type: static
  type: physical
version: 1

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

ader1990 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I have created a patch here with a possible fix: Let me know if you need an MSI installer, as I can create one if needed for you to download to test.

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago

If you could compile a MSI file for me that would be great!

ader1990 commented 3 weeks ago

If you could compile a MSI file for me that would be great!

This Github Action should create a test installer using the branch

The installer can be found in the Artifacts tab as a zipped artifact.

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago

Cool, appreciated! Our automation is already creating a new build with this version of cloudbase-init. I'll let you know as soon as my tests are completed.

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago

@ader1990 while loading and configuring the unattend phase I receive the following error:

2024-06-21 17:27:31.793 3404 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR [-] No module named 'pywintypes': ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywintypes'
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\", line 33, in main
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR     init.InitManager().configure_host()
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\", line 169, in configure_host
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR     osutils = osutils_factory.get_os_utils()
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\osutils\", line 27, in get_os_utils
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR     return cl.load_class(osutils_class_paths[])()
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\", line 37, in load_class
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR     module = __import__(parts[0], fromlist=parts[1])
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\osutils\", line 27, in <module>
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR     import pywintypes
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywintypes'
2024-06-21 17:27:31.855 3404 ERROR 

Therefore, the machine is hanging in a sysprep loop and cannot be started normally.

Shouldn't this module be included in the MSI package or do I've to prep it manually?

ader1990 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, this might be an issue with how the Github Actions created the installer - as it used a Python embedded version. The Github actions are usually more flaky as well. I started a new build here with the official Python installer contents version:

The fastest way to test this would be to just drop in replace the nocloud service python file using the change from or, delete the registry folder HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init and rerun cloudbase-init on the initial env.

derSchweiger commented 3 weeks ago

Option #2 didn't do the trick for me. VM started but I received the same error message in the cloudbase-init.log file and the service didn't run successfully. But no problem, I started another build with the new version and will test it.

ader1990 commented 2 weeks ago

The patch was tested with network-config and it worked correctly when using the Github Runners too.

derSchweiger commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah, error might be on my side, but nevermind, your new build works just fine! Network config gets set properly and the other stuff works too. Just a quick log output:

2024-06-21 20:10:43.180 5104 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Respawning current process with updated credentials.
2024-06-21 20:10:43.805 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Cloudbase-Init version: 1.1.6.dev692
2024-06-21 20:10:44.571 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'PRE_NETWORKING':
2024-06-21 20:10:44.571 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'PRE_METADATA_DISCOVERY':
2024-06-21 20:10:44.571 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'MTUPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:10:44.680 3692 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "config_drive_raw_hhd" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "raw_hdd" from group "config_drive".
2024-06-21 20:10:44.680 3692 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "raw_hdd" from group "config_drive" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2024-06-21 20:10:44.680 3692 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "config_drive_cdrom" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "cdrom" from group "config_drive".
2024-06-21 20:10:44.680 3692 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "cdrom" from group "config_drive" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2024-06-21 20:10:44.680 3692 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "config_drive_vfat" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "vfat" from group "config_drive".
2024-06-21 20:10:44.680 3692 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Deprecated: Option "vfat" from group "config_drive" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2024-06-21 20:10:44.711 3692 WARNING [-] ISO extraction failed on <Partition: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Harddisk1\Partition2> with WindowsCloudbaseInitException("Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'"): cloudbaseinit.exception.WindowsCloudbaseInitException: Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.149 3692 WARNING [-] ISO extraction failed on <Partition: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Harddisk1\Partition4> with WindowsCloudbaseInitException("Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'"): cloudbaseinit.exception.WindowsCloudbaseInitException: Cannot open file: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.243 3692 INFO [-] Config Drive found on disk '\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.305 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Metadata service loaded: 'NoCloudConfigDriveXService'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.305 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'MAIN':
2024-06-21 20:10:45.305 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'ExtendVolumesPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.883 3692 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Could not import comtypes.gen, trying to create it.
2024-06-21 20:10:45.883 3692 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Created comtypes.gen directory: 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.883 3692 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Writing file: 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen\'
2024-06-21 20:10:45.899 3692 INFO comtypes.client._code_cache [-] Using writeable comtypes cache directory: 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python\Lib\site-packages\comtypes\gen'
2024-06-21 20:10:47.227 3692 INFO [-] Extending volume "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume4" with 19328384512 bytes
2024-06-21 20:10:47.274 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'CreateUserPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:10:47.274 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.createuser [-] Setting password for existing user "Administrator"
2024-06-21 20:10:51.812 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'SetUserPasswordPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:10:51.812 3692 WARNING cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Using admin_pass metadata user password. Consider changing it as soon as possible
2024-06-21 20:10:51.843 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Password succesfully updated for user Administrator
2024-06-21 20:10:51.843 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Cannot set the password in the metadata as it is not supported by this service
2024-06-21 20:10:51.843 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'LocalScriptsPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:11:06.851 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.fileexecutils [-] Script "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\LocalScripts\CleanupWinRMSettings.ps1" ended with exit code: 0
2024-06-21 20:11:06.851 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'NetworkConfigPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:11:06.851 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.networkconfig [-] Renaming network adapter "Ethernet Instance 0" to "eth0"
2024-06-21 20:11:07.196 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.networkconfig [-] Setting static IP configuration on network adapter "eth0". IP:, prefix length: 24, gateway:, dns: ['', '']
2024-06-21 20:11:07.463 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'WindowsAutoUpdatesPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:11:07.463 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'UserDataPlugin'
2024-06-21 20:11:07.588 3692 ERROR cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.userdataplugins.cloudconfig [-] Could not process part type <class 'bytes'>: 'Empty yaml stream provided.': cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.userdataplugins.cloudconfig.CloudConfigError: Empty yaml stream provided.
2024-06-21 20:11:07.588 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Plugins execution done
2024-06-21 20:11:07.588 3692 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Stopping Cloudbase-Init service

I haven't tested the userdata plugin (to inject a PowerShell script) yet but afaik there was no change so it should work. Thank you very much for your work and I'm looking forward to test the stable build in some time :)

Just another quick question: do you summarise all the changes between the different versions in a changelog or something like that? Haven't found anything.

ader1990 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, we are planning to move to GitHub shortly and we will also have a good changelog history in the release. Also, we are adding Github Actions functional testing to properly cover the network static configuration

I will keep you posted once the new beta MSI gets built and also when a new release is made.

Thanks alot, Adrian.

ader1990 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @derSchweiger, the fix has been merged and you can check the beta build installer: We are planning a new stable release soon, after more functional tests are added to the github actions. Please let me know if you can test it and if it works as expected.

@laozc -> this commit added a regression in the NoCloud metadata service and has been fixed already. Can you please check if the fixed MSI (latest beta build still works as expected with the VmwareGuest metadata service?

Thank you all.

derSchweiger commented 2 weeks ago

Have tested the new beta version (1.1.6dev20) and it works as expected. Network configuration was successfully read and set. Great work, thank you!

laozc commented 1 week ago

Sure. Let me verify the change with VMware Guest metadata service.

laozc commented 2 days ago

@ader1990 The beta version (1.1.6dev20) works with both V1 and V2 network config format with VMware DataSource.

ader1990 commented 2 days ago

Thanks @laozc!