cloudbase / cloudbase-init

Cross-platform instance initialization
Apache License 2.0
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how to disable the creation of the default Admin user? #21

Closed rgl closed 4 years ago

rgl commented 4 years ago

My base image already has an administrator (the vagrant user) with a specific password and I do not want to change it or create a new administrator user.

To disable this behavior do I have to somehow blacklist the following plugins or is there other way?                                                                       

Does cloudbase-init internally (or its plugins) use/need this user? Or is this just an user that will be used by an human?

For reference this is how I got the default plugins:

$cloudbaseInitHome = 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init'
&"$cloudbaseInitHome\Python\python.exe" -c 'import json, sys; from cloudbaseinit import conf; json.dump(conf.CONF.plugins, sys.stdout)' | ConvertFrom-Json

And currently, this list is:

rgl commented 4 years ago

At least the ConfigWinRMCertificateAuthPlugin seems to need the password. Is this expected?

2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugin 'ConfigWinRMCertificateAuthPlugin'
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init [-] plugin 'ConfigWinRMCertificateAuthPlugin' failed with error 'Cannot execute plugin as the password has not been set in the plugins shared data, nor it was retrieved from the metadata service.': cloudbaseinit.exception.CloudbaseInitException: Cannot execute plugin as the password has not been set in the plugins shared data, nor it was retrieved from the metadata service.
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init [-] Cannot execute plugin as the password has not been set in the plugins shared data, nor it was retrieved from the metadata service.: cloudbaseinit.exception.CloudbaseInitException: Cannot execute plugin as the password has not been set in the plugins shared data, nor it was retrieved from the metadata service.
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init Traceback (most recent call last):
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init   File "c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\", line 66, in _exec_plugin
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init     shared_data)
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init   File "c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\plugins\windows\", line 58, in execute
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init     user_name, password = self._get_credentials(service, shared_data)
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init   File "c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\plugins\windows\", line 47, in _get_credentials
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init     "Cannot execute plugin as the password has not been set "
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init cloudbaseinit.exception.CloudbaseInitException: Cannot execute plugin as the password has not been set in the plugins shared data, nor it was retrieved from the metadata service.
2019-10-20 16:54:11.765 2648 ERROR cloudbaseinit.init
rgl commented 4 years ago

In the mean time, I've worked around this at by implementing the get_admin_username and get_admin_password methods that get the information from the nocloud service and now all plugins can be used without a blacklist.

My terraform file now looks like:

# a cloudbase-init cloud-config disk.
# NB this creates an iso image that will be used by the NoCloud cloudbase-init datasource.
# see
# see
resource "libvirt_cloudinit_disk" "example_cloudinit" {
  name = "${var.prefix}_example_cloudinit.iso"
  meta_data = jsonencode({
    "admin-username": var.winrm_username,
    "admin-password": var.winrm_password,
    "public-keys": [trimspace(file("~/.ssh/"))],
ader1990 commented 4 years ago

you can easily redefine the metadata plugins list in the cloudbase-init config file, an example is already done in the unattend cloudbase-init config file. You can put there the exact set of plugins you require in your environment.

ConfigWinRMCertificateAuthPlugin is expected to have the username/password requirement, as the certificate mapping can be done only with the user credential.

rgl commented 4 years ago

OK, so we are really expected to edit that configuration file. Did that at Thank you!