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MySQL - Unable to create RDS DB instance #272

Closed MSGitHub13 closed 2 years ago

MSGitHub13 commented 2 years ago

I can't run application with MySQL on AWS:

I am getting this error:

09:21:32.911 Verifying msgithub13/hello:1.0 ... 09:21:35.543 Creating security group boxsg-db-msgithub13-prod-hello ... 09:21:35.558 Authorising port 3306 ... 09:21:35.558 Creating RDS MySQL database (db.t3.micro / 5 GB / single-az) => boxdb-msgithub13-prod-hello (this one-time action may take up to 10 minutes to complete) ... 09:21:36.823 Destroying Security Group sg-0b4ff771cb62c2927 (boxsg-db-msgithub13-prod-hello) ... 09:21:36.823 WARNING: Run failed: Unable to create RDS DB instance 09:21:36.839 ERROR: Running msgithub13/hello:1.0 failed! com.boxfuse.base.exception.BoxfuseException: Running msgithub13/hello:1.0 failed! at at at com.boxfuse.client.commandline.Main.main(

Everything works fine with PostgreSQL.

axelfontaine commented 2 years ago

The default version for MySQL instances was still 5.6, which was no longer supported in some regions. This has now been fixed and things should once again work as expected.

MSGitHub13 commented 1 year ago

It works fine. Thanks.