cloudcaptainsh / cloudcaptain

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launching jvm app with -debug fails #277

Open fickludd opened 1 year ago

fickludd commented 1 year ago

Hello hello!

I think CloudCaptain provides excellent and easy to use functionality, so thanks for that. I did run into an issue today however when trying to deploy and application for remote debugging with -debug, which resulted in

Could not find agent library jdwp on the library path, with error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Running the same command with -debug.wait deploys the app, but does not include the -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 in the java call and therefore does not accept remote debugging.

full log below:

CloudCaptain Client (previously called Boxfuse) v.
Copyright 2022 Axel Fontaine Labs GmbH. All rights reserved.

Account: fickludd (Johan Teleman)

WARNING: Invalid Image version (may only contain numbers and dots): 1.0-SNAPSHOT => use image to set, falling back to auto-generated version for now:
Fusing Image for emissions-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (Spring Boot) (debug mode) ...
Image fused in 00:04.821s (166350 K) -> fickludd/emissions:
Pushing fickludd/emissions: ...
Verifying fickludd/emissions: ...        
Waiting for AWS to create an encrypted AMI for fickludd/emissions: in eu-west-3 ...
AMI created in 00:07.222s in eu-west-3 -> ami-09960930e8be70dcb
Creating security group boxsg-fickludd-test-emissions- ...
Creating Launch Template boxlt-fickludd-test-emissions- ...
Creating Auto Scaling Group boxasg-fickludd-test-emissions- ...
Waiting for Auto Scaling Group boxasg-fickludd-test-emissions- to launch 1 t2.micro Instance ...
Auto Scaling Group: i-008a015b1752e42f2 [Pending]
Auto Scaling Group: i-008a015b1752e42f2 [InService]
Waiting for ALB Target Group to put instances in service ...
ALB: i-008a015b1752e42f2 [initial] => Target registration is in progress
i-008a015b1752e42f2 => 2022-11-11 12:13:22.133 Launching App ...
i-008a015b1752e42f2 => 2022-11-11 12:13:22.133 /jre/bin/java   -Xmx659m -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="killall -3 java" -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djdk.reflect.allowGetCallerClass=true -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005   '-DAWS_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=eu-west-3a' '-DAWS_REGION=eu-west-3' '-DBOOT_IMAGE=efi/boot/bootx64.efi' '-DBOXFUSE_ACCOUNT=fickludd' '-DBOXFUSE_APP=emissions' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_BUSYBOX=' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_CACERTS=2020.01.14' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_FREETYPE=2.6' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_GLIBC=2.25' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_LIBGCC=4.9.2' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_LIBPNG=1.2.52' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_LINUX=4.14.14' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_OPENJDK=' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_TTF_BITSTREAM_VERA=1.10' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_VBOXSF=4.14.14' '-DBOXFUSE_COMPONENTS_ZLIB=1.2.8' '-DBOXFUSE_DEBUG=true' '-DBOXFUSE_DEBUG_WAIT=false' '-DBOXFUSE_ENV=test' '-DBOXFUSE_IMAGE_COORDINATES=fickludd/emissions:' '-DBOXFUSE_IMAGE_ID=ba-a6b7a97a4d364a0a8c5aadb2f74b43dc' '-DBOXFUSE_IMAGE_VERSION=' '-DBOXFUSE_INSTANCE_ID=i-008a015b1752e42f2' '-DBOXFUSE_INSTANCE_IP=' '-DBOXFUSE_INSTANCE_IP_PRIVATE=' '-DBOXFUSE_JVM_JMX=false' '-DBOXFUSE_JVM_MAIN_CLASS=org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher' '-DBOXFUSE_LIVE=false' '-DBOXFUSE_PAYLOAD_NAME=emissions-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' '-DBOXFUSE_PLATFORM_ID=aws' '-DBOXFUSE_PLATFORM_NAME=AWS' '-DBOXFUSE_PORTS_DEBUG=5005' '-DBOXFUSE_PORTS_HTTPS=443' '-DBOXFUSE_TMP=1' '-DBOXFUSE_VERSION=' '-DHOME=/' '-DLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/native/lib' '-DMANAGEMENT_HEALTH_DISKSPACE_PATH=/tmp' '-DNEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=emissions (test)' '-DPATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/native/bin' '-DPWD=/' '-DSERVER_PORT=443' '-DSERVER_SSL_ENABLED=true' '-DSERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE=/app-config/boxfuse-selfsigned.jks' '-DSERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=...' '-DSHELL=/bin/sh' '-DSPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=boxfuse' '-DTERM=vt102' '-DUSER=root' '-Dinitrd=initrd.gz'  -cp "/app/emissions-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"  org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
i-008a015b1752e42f2 => 2022-11-11 12:13:22.134 Error occurred during initialization of VM
i-008a015b1752e42f2 => 2022-11-11 12:13:22.134 Could not find agent library jdwp on the library path, with error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
i-008a015b1752e42f2 => 2022-11-11 12:13:22.134 JVM exited with status 1
axelfontaine commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report Johan. Which version of the openjdk component is your app using? (If unsure, you can check by fusing a new image with -X)

fickludd commented 1 year ago

I was using the default (openjdk 17.0.5), but the same thing happens on openjdk 11.0.13