cloudcaptainsh / cloudcaptain

Issue Tracker for CloudCaptain
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Terminal logging repeats the last line every poll when using the -logs.tail parameter on macOS #279

Open Orreco opened 1 year ago

Orreco commented 1 year ago


When trying to tail a log file through the boxfuse commandline parameter -logs.tail it gets to the end of the log and then repeats the last line over and over again, until a new log line comes through, is shown and then gets repeated. It looks like every time it polls for updates it writes the last line. This wasn't happening until the last 3 or 4 weeks.

Info from boxfuse -v

CloudCaptain Client (previously called Boxfuse) v.
Copyright 2022 Axel Fontaine Labs GmbH. All rights reserved.

VirtualBox : 6.1.34r150636
JVM        : 11.0.10 (Oracle Corporation)
Host IP    : ***************************
OS         : Mac OS X 10.16 x86_64
axelfontaine commented 1 year ago

Hmmm I am able to reproduce this also, even though nothing changed on our end. Let me dig into this al little bit further and get back to you.