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Error on valid NewRelic keys #281

Closed buma closed 1 year ago

buma commented 1 year ago

We have to rotate NewRelic keys and new keys look like xxxNRAL and this fails Boxfuse validation:

18:32:03.351 ERROR: Invalid NewRelic license key: **************************************** => ensure it is at least 40 chars long and only contains a-f (lowercase) and 0-9
com.boxfuse.base.exception.BoxfuseException: Invalid NewRelic license key: **************************************** => ensure it is at least 40 chars long and only contains a-f (lowercase) and 0-9
    at com.boxfuse.generator.newrelic.NewRelicLicenseKey.<init>(
    at com.boxfuse.generator.newrelic.NewRelicLicenseKey.of(
    at com.boxfuse.generator.config.BoxfuseConfig.configure(
    at com.boxfuse.client.commandline.Main.main(

Exited with code exit status 1

for boxfuse v.

Even if I manually change the case of uppercase part to lowercase I get same error. (this would probably fail at newrelic side anyways) Maybe it's same issue as but this is not EU newrelic AFAIK and key does not start with eu*.

axelfontaine commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report. Could you post an example key (with other numbers/letters obviously) so we can adjust our validation logic accordingly?

buma commented 1 year ago

It looks like first 32 characters are hexadecimal (lowercase a-f and 0-9) but last 8 are RNAFL. Some characters are duplicated among last 8 and all uppercase. I generated two keys and both have same combination of last 8 characters but different combination of first 32 maybe that's client ID or something. Old key didn't have it.

This was ingest - license key.

axelfontaine commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your patience. This has now been fixed in version of the client.

buma commented 1 year ago

Thank you. It works now.